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Everything posted by skilpad

  1. skilpad


    This would never happen, but just think if there were a zombie type that thinks like slenderman? It would only emit little groans while following you and it would make people more paranoid adding to the games scareness factor.
  2. Ok I can pitch a tent I just can't see it? can't see other peoples tents either. I get error message upon startup Bin.config.cfgvehicles.land_a_tent I validated both arma2 and arma 2oa and luanched it correctly any help? thanks
  3. skilpad

    I cant see any tents

    Ok thanks I will try to reinstall dayZ
  4. skilpad

    How about fishing?

    This is something I would kind of like to see in the game. Wandering around and you enter a shed no guns,cans,bandages whoa wait a fishing pole and spinners? Score!
  5. Its A trap! Nah just joking
  6. skilpad


    No this time you actually have something for self defense
  7. skilpad

    How about fishing?

    Ya of course
  8. skilpad

    How about fishing?

    Sorrry for mentioning it agian sheesh
  9. skilpad

    How about fishing?

    Cool beans man and you can fish in the ocean and random dams placed on the map.
  10. skilpad

    Lower Tier Rifle!

    Well some more info Firstly it depends what ammo it is, there are alot of diffrent types Hollow point,fjm,silver shots,soft point,32-40 grain. I personally think this would be a very good weapon to put into the game not for killing but for hunting?
  11. Ok so I found a tent and was very happy so after running to a good place to set it I selected Pitch a tent and wow it worked in one try so after the message "You have succesfully pitched a tent" It doesn't show in other words I cant see it? I also get this message when I start to join server "No entry Bin/config.bin\cfgvehicles/Land_A_Tent.scope Ill be grateful for any advice.
  12. skilpad

    I pitch my tent but it doesn't show?

    Yes but still did not fix the problem. The file was about 12 Mb :(
  13. skilpad

    I pitch my tent but it doesn't show?

    Thanks I did both now ill have to find a tent again :beans:
  14. skilpad

    I pitch my tent but it doesn't show?

    Yes tried It agian it pitches tent does animation but it doesn't show nor can I acess it ?
  15. skilpad

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Op gangnam style !
  16. skilpad

    takistan loot map?

    There is so little servers hosting this map it almost makes it more devouis :beans:
  17. skilpad

    My Story: Road to a Bandit

    Nah I got killed without even hearing the shot and after crawling around in elektro found some gear and chucked it to NW airfield logged out after the long run then logged back in (Lying in the barrack's bathroom) I heard footsteps in the barracks and just kept still and aimed my akm at the door the next second he was in sight and I let rip. Got Coyote backpack biggest one ghillie suit dmr m4 acog and thats why I am a bandit
  18. Ya man i met like 2 friendlies and 12 bandits in week so to answer your qeustion yes
  19. skilpad

    First gun you ever found in DayZ?

    Double barrel shotgun but had no ammo cause i was such a noob so after shooting it i broke my legs after falling down the stairs and then shot it again next second all thats a zombie was on me like a fly who saw kak so ya
  20. skilpad

    Kicked from all servers

    Lol I got 10 files failed to update now I have to download 1 gig <_<
  21. skilpad

    DayZ standalone; more zombies?

    What also will be cool is if a player dies and the zombies munch em after like 10 to fifteen minutes of zombs eating only like a skeleton or carcass gets left behind but the backpack and guns will still be there?