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Everything posted by Heathcz

  1. Heathcz

    Needing m40a3

    watch your language
  2. Heathcz

    Free stuff! Military and more!

    barracks only or hacked in
  3. Heathcz

    Traders and Traitors List

    yup indeed
  4. Heathcz

    Trading some stuff

    sent you pm.
  5. Heathcz

    Headshots should be instant death

    what sometimes happens is that even you shoot someone in his neck or his upper chest, which should take him down, he happily starts to sprint around like a scared rabbit, which is sometimes so annoying that I im always grabing as50 at the moment
  6. Heathcz

    Tents should disappear on death.

  7. Heathcz

    Trading some stuff

    updated, got m40a3 from a sexy camo guy
  8. the setup doesnt seem to be that bad, try some optimalizations on you tube
  9. Heathcz

    Clean your WATER!

    thats what the dayz forum stars do.
  10. Heathcz

    Trouble In Stary - BreakingPoint Episode

    Its nice, pure 18mins of combat, really fine. The only thing I dont understand is why dont you at the intro tell us what you were going to do instead of making viewers to read it when you talk during the video anyway. Everyone will rather listen to you then read those sentences.
  11. Heathcz

    Clean your WATER!

    yes better take 10 antibiotics and have no space in backpack
  12. Heathcz

    Camo Clothing

    they like to appear next to heli crash sites more than ghillies in the recent patch, they became more common while ghillies became more rare, and that balance was needed imo. However, you should have no problem with finding them, it just needs time.
  13. It might have been already suggested, still thinking its worth of posting it here. I personally would like to see this, and I am sure I am not the only one. Of course there would be rules like the backpack you want to place in another one would have to be completely empty, and mustnt be bigger than the one you are placing the backpack into. for example you can place coyote backpack into alice pack etc.
  14. Heathcz

    Your most satisfying kill

    shooting the hell out of group of 3 (2 heroes and a survivor), or sniping out two bandits 800m away with shitty innaccurate m107
  15. Heathcz

    L85A2 AWS

    then you have no chance at all
  16. Heathcz

    L85A2 AWS

    you can downgrade ur dayz to the oldest patches, look for one and enjoy the nostalgia of the old dayz being alone on a server where no foot has been for weeks.
  17. Heathcz

    Free stuff! Military and more!

  18. Heathcz

    Free stuff! Military and more!

    Ive been waiting for your precious comment
  19. Heathcz

    Trouble with my FPS

    another guy thinks dayz needs a good GPU btw you wont ever run dayz properly with that cpu, get atleast 3GHz to have a smooth dayz with nice graphics
  20. Heathcz

    Backpack in a backpack

    have you ever heard about "camps"?
  21. Heathcz

    how to play on ''public hive'' ?

    Why? And dont talk about hackers, I havent seen a one in past 2 months atleast. I personally like playing on public, you can whenever switch between deathmatching and the more classic dayz aka get ten cars, helis and make a huge camp on a server where nobody will ever probably find it. Public hive lets you more to do what you like to
  22. Heathcz

    Backpack in a backpack

    should I rename the title?
  23. Heathcz

    Gearing Up

    dat moment when you realize that was probably only 1/10 of his stuff he actually has
  24. Heathcz

    Traders and Traitors List

    its not the supercow, its the ALPHA cow
  25. Heathcz

    Trading some stuff

    im already far away, but thank you very much ;)