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Everything posted by Heathcz

  1. Heathcz

    DayZ Screenshots!

    the skins from dlc are so good, it was worth it buying them, even though theres gonna be people thinking im wasting money, which is kinda true :D
  2. Heathcz

    Enfield for trade

    Im sick IRL :D
  3. Heathcz

    Enfield for trade

    I ll give you full end game loadout for that as soon as I get out of my sickness.
  4. Heathcz

    Clothing That Has Purpose/Utility

    that would make sense, but still..
  5. Heathcz

    Clothing That Has Purpose/Utility

    there is a lot of time for this, I dont think its time to think about details such these. I think rocket wants to work on some kind of armor clothing and warm clothing, but clothing that makes you reload faster? I dont think this game needs this at all, this aint call of duty.
  6. Heathcz

    SA Expanding the Purpose of FOOD

    I really dont see any logic in that, like, its cool its in movies n such, but that doesnt make it true, thats like saying there are hundreds of civilizations out there, cause it was so in startrek: it might be truth, but it doesnt make it being truth I personally dont see a reason to make zombies to be able to smell meat, when its just a infected human.
  7. Heathcz

    SA Expanding the Purpose of FOOD

    how can even someone smell meat on such a distance wtf? like, maybe the animals, but zombies?
  8. Heathcz

    Looking for Rocket Launcher M136

    sending pm
  9. Heathcz

    Looking for Rocket Launcher M136

    ok, dont need fal anymore, looking for the rest
  10. Heathcz

    Zooming out

    Hello dear friends, i got a question. Whenever I want too zoom out with a sniper rifle, like, in 3rd person, not when looking through the scope, I just cant do it, it immediately zooms back in, but when I was watching some dayz videos, I ve seen people, that are able to have the camera zoomed out even though they are wearing dmr or something, so I wanted to ask, how can you do it? I ve been trying to solve it, but I cant see any way how to do it.
  11. Heathcz

    Zooming out

    I sense some kind of retardness in this one. maybe if you are so annoyed by my question, you shouldnt answer at all.
  12. Heathcz

    DayZ - The Unscripted Movie (HD)

    Whats about the trend of calling your videos "unscripted"? First I heard it from sacriel, the shosho and now it spreads out like we would expect everyone is playing like frankie or what.
  13. oh course you can make all the optims, but I think ur gonna need better cpu anyway
  14. Heathcz

    Need M14 Aim, have M4A3 CCO

    oh, this is so cute. Do you want an as50 for free?
  15. Heathcz

    [SA] No snipers, no choppers.

    I love people who dictate you how you are supposed to play a game. Go ahead and make a petition with applejaxc about first person only.
  16. Heathcz

    Zooming out

    yeah i found it, I cant test it though cause Im not on my main pc, but I guess Im good. thank you
  17. Heathcz

    Zooming out

    oh i am so sorry to bother you with my question, better kill myself
  18. Heathcz

    Zooming out

    whats FOV? any guide or something how to do it?
  19. Heathcz

    DayZ Screenshots!

  20. Heathcz

    just nerf the as50?

    So, I was recently really disappointed by the decision, that 50. cals are going to be removed and I saw the topic about the lapua, which is awesome. But, why dont you nerf it in some way, so it wont be so overpowered? And what came through my mind was: What if, when you would be wearing as50(doesnt matter if in your backpack or in hands)you wouldnt be able to sprint, not even run. Cause, when you think about it, the most ridiculous thing about m107 or as50 or whatever is, that in arma you are able to sprint with it even many kilometers, like it would be a pistol or something. I think, that if you would do this, people would really start deciding about, if they are going to wear this heavy shit with themselves, if it even pays off, and I think, that many would decide to not to do so. Hm?
  21. So recently I decided to check out vehicle spawns on a public server I play on with my huey. results: 4 atvs on klen, 4 boats in berezino on a single spawnplace, 2 urals on skalka, 3 helux in myshkyno or whatever is it named. My question is: what the hell? Why? like, why cant the server just spawn only one vehicle on its possible spawn? this is just bullshit. How are people supposed to find cars, when there are 4 boats in berezino, floating on each other for no reason. Now the only solution is to take my as50 and take it out so in can spawn somewhere else. And again, as50 gets stupidly removed, so there wont be any solution for it anymore. cool if there could be something done about it, thanks alot.
  22. Heathcz

    What the f**k? aka vehicle spawns

    well I have enough of everything so it really is not a problem at all
  23. Heathcz

    Traders and Traitors List

    yep, fast trade :D