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Everything posted by Heathcz

  1. Heathcz

    Dayz unloading ingame!

    no way you got your datas corrupted by some downloaded content? Maybe reinstall?
  2. Heathcz

    Side Chat Blues

    The most ridiculous question I see on side chat is: "Is anyone at NW airfield?". Especially when they ask on a server with 50 ppl
  3. sorry but that wardrobe is bad, everyone will just take ghillie and that just speaks for itself
  4. I personally prefer svd camo, cause its usable on closer range, when you can just spread out bullets onto the target, and even though its still usable till 700m pretty much
  5. Heathcz

    Standalone vehicle suggestions.

    Ive seen v3s in dayz driving around without some wheels tho
  6. Heathcz

    UnScripted Movie

    Dat headbutt
  7. there were some comments like: flying heli is too easy blah blah, and I think its true. Now it depends on you, by making people fly helis in 1st person only would it be a little bit harder and its so simple
  8. that is awesome. Any server I could find this on?
  9. crash it into another helicopter, that always pays off
  10. Heathcz

    AS50 for sale

    damn right.
  11. Heathcz

    No tent or camp raiding rule

    Anything like safe zones and forbidden killing or robbing is such a bullshit I cant even stand it. It kills all major aspects of dayz
  12. Heathcz

    Awesome night-time Screenshot

  13. Heathcz

    Tents `

    Sure, I said that.
  14. Heathcz

    Dayz "Skills"

    This idea has been here, dont worry. Rockets knows about this and if we wants to, it will be in the SA
  15. Heathcz

    Tents `

    on public hive they should disappear if nobody visits them after 7 days from death of its owner
  16. huh I personally fly in 3rd only
  17. I forgot to mention also the landing. I think alot of people would find it harder, as you cant that easily overwatch for trees and such, that means you ll be forced to land on a field and not in middle of trees, which is not necessary a good thing though. As I said, this pretty much depends on the community, but I personally think that flying in 1st person only would be better.
  18. Heathcz

    DayZ Screenshots!

    Just chillin
  19. Heathcz

    One of those moments

    just bring the seaweed monster and the ritual shall start
  20. Heathcz

    Official Servers

    haha yeah everyone hwo plays bb has got the #swagyolo and is famous as fuck
  21. If I could, I would slap them in their face so hard
  22. So I heard you watch frankie sir
  23. Heathcz

    Vanilla DayZ without Hackers

    dayz without hackers is like...I got no idea.