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Everything posted by Heathcz

  1. Heathcz

    Fully auto hatchet?!

    if we could get a hatchet with NV vision scope and grenade launcher that would be great.
  2. Heathcz

    Fully auto hatchet?!

    give us a video please, really wonder how it looks like, please
  3. hey just wanted to note that even though what i wrote was rude and deserves to be deleted or w.e but a comment like "No" just makes me totally mad thats like the most stupid thing he could ever write especially in a topic like this
  4. Heathcz

    DayZ .Dev Bug List

    is the body disappearing going to be fixed? today i killed a bandit, so he immediately ragequited and the body felt into the ground...
  5. Once I did let my friend kill an innocent guy that was fully packed up (he killed him for his gear). I still regret i didnt kill him straight afterwards.
  6. Heathcz

    New melee suggestion with guns

    oh god the second video is totally awful.
  7. well there is a way how to dupe stuff the whole time dayz exists and still havent been fixed so far, so i guess it shouldnt make that much of a matter, or does it?
  8. Heathcz

    My DayZ 1.7.7 review.

    yes its kinda ridiculous. so is the fact i got infected 3 times in like half an hour, gg. the only option is to shoot all dem zeds or its pretty much bad
  9. Heathcz

    Why its better to stay at

    most of the bugs are getting fixed. and about the duping: duping is easy to do even in and any other patch. its a way that is known about from the very first day and it hasnt been fixed so far
  10. Heathcz

    H-M4a3CCO W-M4HOLO

    good luck.
  11. Heathcz

    My gun store, need camping tents + m24s and ammo

    All I want is applejaxc comment this thread in some furious way
  12. Heathcz

    1.7.7 Humanity

    3. being a hero you are welcome
  13. Heathcz


    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand its leaked
  14. Heathcz

    Anyone know a 1.7.7 server ?

    that is truth
  15. Heathcz

    Anyone know a 1.7.7 server ?

    FR 34 is using it and is populated. public hive though
  16. Heathcz

    Fruits and Farming

    I cant wait for those awesome vids where will survivors steal instead of as50 only some potatoes
  17. Heathcz

    Ghillie suit required,asap!

    I have a spare one, no use for it. will give for free :) just meet me somwhere around nwa
  18. I didnt knew that though, mk48 ftw
  19. Heathcz

    Ever have a change of heart?

    Haha what happened to me was that I spawned in elektro and a few mins later I get shot by enfield, so i run around the corner, bandage myself, when guy with enfield pops out yelling at me: "Drop your hatchet" while constantly shooting me with his weapon multiple times, like, what the fuck.
  20. I would choose m4a3 but it depends on if you play at night or not
  21. Heathcz

    Returning player

    I will answer you only one question and I mean the one about hackers. imo hackers are pretty much solved in 99% of cases, personally meet a hacker per 2 months
  22. I dont shoot bandits that are unarmed or have only a pistol, but any other time I give them what they play dayz for
  23. I ve recently realized that the only way to play this game as it is supposed to, how I like to play it, is to just go on empty servers and kill zombies, cause whenever you meet someone, hes just gonna shoot you anyway. But then, it gets boring, and there is no solution for that. Its just really sad hows everyone playing like cod kiddie, but I think its just cause the community is builded by them. At the start the players were Arma II users, chill guys that understood whats the best about this game, but then it came out in public and it got cod kiddies etc. attention, that are used to kill everyone they see and since there is so many of them, it just went full retard. The original dayz players are still there, in the corner hidden in a shadow, waiting for the light to come out and give them hope that this game will became senseful once again.