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Everything posted by Heathcz

  1. Heathcz

    How To Survive In Dayz

    Why did u make this guide? there are already tons of them on you tube...
  2. Heathcz

    What's Your Favorite Gear-Out?

    dmr+m14 aim m9sd+g17
  3. In my opinion its just all wrong when the player is informated when he might find a helicopter, or where he might find heli crashes or barracks loaded up with weapons and so...I would just let all players find it out themselves. what do you think?
  4. Just sharing this with the community cause everyone should know about this. Even if this a repost, it does not matter since even though more people will know about this.
  5. Heathcz

    Dynamic Heli/Plane Crashes

    good idea so far
  6. am the only one who would like to just let it be how it is in arma?
  7. Try Razer Game Booster, it helps kinda alot, but ur cpu gonna have like 90 celsias, so make sure u got an enough good cooler
  8. Heathcz

    FIrst Ride, First Crash

    just like me, I didnt learn how to fly helis, and when i found 2 huyes in 20 minutes, i managed to destroy both of them, then I realized I have to learn it in arma 2 tutorial, its really useful.
  9. Heathcz


    good point. How do you expect everyone be able to do a thing like this? normal guy that survives apocalypse doesnt normally know how to do this
  10. Heathcz


    total bullshit
  11. Heathcz

    Humanity Indicator

  12. In my opinion its also about which server you are playing on, for me there were few servers, when it was instantly spawning, on others it didnt spawn ever, but if I can recommend you something, then its ride to the town and wait for a minute...thats all i can tell you, there arent many tipes people can give you. Someone also told me you can try to logout and login again
  13. Heathcz

    Food and drink should be more rare

    rocket knows about those thinks and I hope they are workinonit
  14. Heathcz

    Server - Settings - Toughness

    Really like this idea, this would let players to choose their difficulty of dayz. However, those server would have to be unofficial, cause there are still a lot of empty servers, where is that loot like food or whatever else pretty much free.
  15. Heathcz

    Dayz in real life - standoff

    this is great dude!
  16. definitely chernarus, but i really like namalsk too, cause the suppliees are more balanced, its not that easy to get the supplies for some days and the places like radio tower and tunnels are really cool too
  17. Heathcz

    Fuel and Cars

    this was suggested a lot of times here, and Rocket already knows about this idea and since that, this topic is pointless right now.
  18. What do you think? In my opinion it would be really better, if everything would be more rare (food, equipment, weapons and ammo also), so you would treat a pistol like your baby, cause I think that it would make people more desperate in the game when they have to look out for food and drinks and it would make dayZ more as a survival game cause now everyone just gets all the stuff in cherno or elektro, then finds a sniper and often just goes PVP at nw airfield you know and they dont ever worry about having not enough supplies or food and all those things they need to survive every day in Chernarus. Whats your opinion? Im sorry if already reposting. I was finding this kind of post and didnt find anything so I hope this is a new idea :)
  19. I think its good its gone, Nobody should be able to know these stats, just so its realistic - its dayz
  20. Heathcz

    STATS and REWARDS !!!

    Would be ok with the stats, but achievements arent meant for this game
  21. I agree with the point that pvp would still exist but, when you think about that, a lot of people, not all, but a lot of them kill people for fun you know and if we made this idea real, this would probably absolutely dissapear. People would need to kill each other BUT for their loot and not for fun. I think it would make DayZ more what is it supposed to be. I still think that if people would have to look for supplies more often, it would make the game more enjoyable, cause a lot of people just talk about the fact that they just get full equip and cause since that they are absolutely bored, they just go to kill bambies in elektro/cherno and thats not the way developers want to make you play, so in my opinion it would really make the game better.
  22. Honestly dont understand meaning of those "friendly" servers...Its not DayZ anymore, like whatever but, what for you play DayZ when u delete the main aspects of it, doesnt make sense at all.
  23. Heathcz

    DayZ Memes

    sorry if its a repost