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Everything posted by Heathcz

  1. Heathcz

    looking for m40a3

    Happily my stuff is BACK! got more stuff to offer, see the list
  2. Heathcz

    looking for m40a3

    no problem with that, I ll pm you
  3. Heathcz

    looking for m40a3

  4. Heathcz

    Chance of spawning as different characters

    Had this idea, like some kind of role-playing from the start, and would really like to see this in dayz.
  5. Heathcz

    Skilled Vs Unskilled bandits

    Killing bandits is the only thing that satisfies at dayz moreless, and its just awful how many elektro snipers I meet. Hate those people. So far havent met a single skilled bandit, hope I will do so, once
  6. Heathcz

    How do you fight players in CQC?

    I like to noscope with dmr Well since I am most of the time securing out elektro for bambies and stalking snipers, sometimes it comes to many kills. Today I killed 2 snipers, But totally had to kill 5 people even though I really didnt want to. Nothing to mention about those scumbag snipers that were killing bambies, but the first two innocent guys I killed were aiming at me while I was covering behind a tree. Was trying to talk them over direct chat, they didnt answer me at all. So no other option was left. Even though they just came up the hill from the same reason as I did: to eliminate the sniper. After I killed the second sniper, decided to fall back when suddenly a guy with mk mod lays down right in front of me 5 meters away, so that was simply the same situation as the first one: kill or be killed. I also had the bandit mask cause of those kills before, so there was no way he wouldnt start shooting at me. Its kind of sad when u just want to help bambies, but have to kill more people cause of being threated (?). atleast those snipers didnt combat logged, so maybe the faith in dayz players will be restored.
  7. Heathcz

    Need: M4A1 CCO SD or MP5SD6 (With Mags) Offer Me!

    thank for response but already got a trade so i dont need ghillie at the moment, maybe later.
  8. Heathcz

    Czech backpack wanted

    reading this atfer hiding a body with a czech backpack, fuck :D
  9. Heathcz

    Need: M4A1 CCO SD or MP5SD6 (With Mags) Offer Me!

    m4 cco sd 2 mags for ghillie
  10. Heathcz

    Need Anything From Weapons To Beans? Click Here!

    want a ghillie suit got nvgs, rangefinder, m9 sd with 8x mags, 2 gps m107 2x mags, m4 cco sd 2x mags, dmr 2x mags
  11. Heathcz

    Swordsworn and Co. Warehouse

    want ghillie suit Got 2x nvgs, rangefinder, gps, 8x m9 sd mags
  12. Heathcz

    looking for m40a3

    only for a mtn dew.
  13. nothing anymore (edit)
  14. Heathcz

    [LF] Satchel Charge [WT] ANYTHING

    Got some, toolbelt item = rngf, nvg right? edit: my tent disappeard :( will contact if its gonna show up
  15. Heathcz

    Day Z Wallpapers

    nothing is more like dayz then a hot chick with m4
  16. Heathcz

    A good server?

    if a private server, bb.
  17. Heathcz

    Looking for Partner age 13-16

    had a good laugh, maybe could join you. Im 15, I can speak english quite well but still have to get used to it, playing dayz for like 6 months, having 100-35 fps at very high setting (wilderness-cherno). my behaviour is pretty much as your is
  18. Heathcz

    Hero Suit

    In these days u cant trust even the heros...came through one in cherno, he was weirdly running with m4a1 around me for a minute, then his buddy, bandit, started shooting at me. That hero was a dick just as bandits are, only didnt want to lose his pretty lookin swaggy hero skin. To end the story, I somehow managed to kill the bandit headshoting him with a makarov, then the hero realized he gotta kill me now, so he shot the shit out of me. Had a really good laugh though. edit: public server
  19. Heathcz

    Where should i hide a base?

    My tips, those spots worked for me pretty well when hiding stuff on privates these spots i marked are places under the bridge, also try the normal bridges along the coast (but only for tents) If ur clever enough, you will find a place at this part of the map for your camp actually rly easily... this place under novy sobor worked really good, especially one spot, that was rly invisible, where I came through randomly after half year playing this game and found a big campsite, if you want, I can screenshot the place for you... The last tip I can give you is: Think about where you ve never been yet in-game, thats the place where a camp is perfect for you
  20. Heathcz

    SVD Camo pretty common

    Its sad that they made svds so common since the last patch you can find them pretty easily on those crash sites...I loved the times when svd camo was like the most #SWAG gun in dayz, cause it is really pretty cool looking sniper rifle and was really hard to find, now its just meh...
  21. I guess you should just contact admin, he shouldnt let those things just go...Once I was on a private hive server where all vehicles (including helis) get respawned on its original spawn after a one week of non-using them, so there are few possible ways to deal with this dumb stuff that players sometimes do, even this. But dude, dont tell me finding a grenade is so hard.
  22. Heathcz

    How common are heli crash sites?

    I think this is one of those public servers, where the crash sites are bugged. After they spawn, they dont despawn after the restart even though the new ones spawn too, so after some days the server is literally filled up with tons of crash sites, on every crash site spawn that is made for them. One day when i was in stary sobor and joined a server that had this issue, there were like 15 crash sites all over the town, a lot of not-despawned corpses of players and something like 20 backpacks in supermarket, sadly the crash sites were almost totally looted, so it was there for a quite a while I guess. However, its better to just leave these bugged servers as soon as possible
  23. Heathcz

    Nastiest Thing You've Done

    killed 3 guys (2 heroes) at once
  24. Heathcz


    that server is messed up, admins ban you for stealing their heli n shit... look at this:
  25. Heathcz

    DayZ Screenshots!
