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About jbrewer112

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. jbrewer112

    a medical channel

    If possible what about a Medical channel or a warning channel only being able to enter the chat channel if u have just a example 2500-humanity, so if u are in need of medical attention or u escape bandits u would have the option to warnin other survivors of possible bandits and where to steer clear of ect....
  2. jbrewer112

    list of improvements

    1. Zombies should have a midiocre speed afterall they are dead and muscles are deteriating. 2. Zombie spawn and the number of should be random and should not respawn so soon, the idea of herds such as in the walking dead is a great idea. 3. The idea of being able to pull a knife quickly for quiet kills instead of havin to switch main weapons just to equip and reload a hatchet. 4. Just for a little better atmosphere how about throwin in some streams or maybe even some fishing :) 5. More searchable houses/buildings with less loot, so it requires the players to search more in towns and citys than ure typical 4-5 houses/buildings. 6. Pushin it here but possibly a full yearly cycle, with different clothes available to loot, from tankstops to winter coats