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Posts posted by Cazami

  1. Well a desktop is not really an option for me right now since i need a new pc for my studies too, and since i got about 7 more studying in gym and uni i need a laptop. But as long as it will work fine im happy :) I just need it to run newer games smooth because right now i got minor lag in dayz and sometimes alot of frake drops

  2. Hello :) The pc i own now is almost 4 years old and it have done great so far, but i think it's time to upgrade it now since there are several newer games that i wont run smooth anymore including dayz. It would be nice to know how smooth it can run dayz in the highest settings etc. and also if it would be able to livestream :) If you could help me out judge these things it would be nice. I have tested the benchmark for the processor though and it should be able to livestream but the question is if i can livestream dayz without dropping frames or lagging?

    http://www.komplett.dk/k/kcp.aspx?sku=756224&sku=756224 Heres a link for the pc. THank you :)

  3. And i guess theres no way to retrive it... well a warning would have been nice... Guess i'll have to find all the car parts again before i get to drive :/

    By the way... How do you know if a car isnt too damaged to be repaired ? Or is there like special spawned cars that can be repaired?

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  4. So.... for 5 minutes ago i tried to equip a civilian clothing i found. It popped up with a wierd sound and blue like screen for 1 second, and then i had it on. So i was gonne but it back into my backpack but then it was gone! I got all my food in there and alot of carparts so it REAAAAALLY sucks can anyone help me out with this problem please ? :(
