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Everything posted by SiiriXX

  1. SiiriXX

    New Patch - Who's still having fun?

    I played 30 mins .. got disconnected 10 times / logged back in .. 'you are dead' I do love the big tomatoes though, should be able to carve a house out of them and live in them
  2. SiiriXX

    New models for DayZ--<Enjoy>--!

    I thought this game was to focus more on survival.. all im seeing is tons of weapons and other nonsense to kill player with :(
  3. SiiriXX

    Matt and Dean

    ^ where HE touched you
  4. SiiriXX

    Matt and Dean

    I thought they had a bromance going but Matt assures me he likes girls :huh: just kidding :P
  5. SiiriXX

    Bullet proof bushes

    im pretty sure that some bullets get lost in bushes, ive seen it happen lots of times before also had it myself when shooting zombies from a bush maybe some of teh stopping power gets absorbed by a sturdy leaf?
  6. Killed 5 people in my months of dayz. Most of those 5 kills were accidental friend kills. I don't kill people on purpose so that's why I die all the time. I refuse to become a bandit like most people.
  7. SiiriXX

    Meanwhile in Cherno

    -aftershave didnt cut himself shaving?
  8. 24/7 station playing Robert Matthew Van Winkle? id buy it!
  9. SiiriXX

    Admin abuse on Server US 8456

    why would you want to play on a server where the admin suffers from pms rage?
  10. I dont think Matt went with him
  11. SiiriXX

    The Flight to salvation

    well i dont know but for me no video is showing (that might be a problem if you get no views :) )
  12. SiiriXX

    102ND Is looking For More People

    Smash looks good too with the wig
  13. SiiriXX

    102ND Is looking For More People

    I hear steak is a female in the weekends He calls himself Steakette
  14. if you have a home server you could try and contact the admin .. maybe he can change her skin manually (my home server admin did that for me)
  15. SiiriXX

    I will pay $21 US for Inceptions (Murder)

    Poor inception :D
  16. SiiriXX

    The Notorious Can Incident

    When I came here yesterday I thought I made a misstake and accidentaly went to warz forums with all the fighting going on :( Lets all hug and love each other again :)
  17. SiiriXX

    Balota Buddies, white-listing problem,s

    You could have just asked a mod or admin why you weren't whitelisted yet or made a post about it But you chose to come here and be all angry and stuff My 6 years old nephew does the same when he doesn't get what he wants fast enough, well he doesn't come here and post but he gets all angry and whiney
  18. SiiriXX

    Balota Buddies, white-listing problem,s

    Judging from these posts you made here .. I don't think someone with your attitude would be a good addition to the wonderful bb community we have. And there is no way you were waiting 48 hours because when I came online earlier there was no one waiting to be whitelisted.
  19. Some ideas are so adorable. Almost makes me wish I could get a food lol great work on the models ! <3
  20. Lot of bandits in game now! Who wants to hunt them down? :)
  21. Did I mention steak running around in the nude? And I hear he shaved his musty now so he should be as smooth as a baby's bottom! :D
  22. I run around with my gun pointed down.. it helps a lot. I get shot a lot too but thats part of the game (it does get annyoing if you get shot 8 times in an hour) I always play friendly and when you play on the same server most of the time people will get to know and they will respect you. There are always moments where you get shot by a paranoid player :P