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Everything posted by kenstyle2131

  1. kenstyle2131

    a few namalsk question

    hi ya all, so i started to play dayZ again after 2 months coz i was away for exams, joined the new map NAMALSK...beautiful map...and all kind of weird shit happened to me :/ 1st i got the scared shit taken out of me by this cunt predator which kept killing me every where i went...i had nothing on me to kill it...so i died. then i was running along and thunder struck me and colors stared spinning me around...my blood came to the lowest and i died again...respawned again and the ahole predator killed me again... i mean WTF!!!!! dont they want me to play this map??? zombies were enough y did they put this cunt into the game.... i quit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. kenstyle2131

    a few namalsk question

    sad with the blood sucker..but the map is awesome also it will not leave me alone even if i run for 1 hr
  3. kenstyle2131

    a few namalsk question

    yes i think its the bloodsucker...is it on every map??
  4. kenstyle2131

    gtx680 sli :(

    hi ya all, let me syart with my system specs: gtx680 sli i7 OC to 4.3Ghz 8 gb RAM 120 GB ssd asus mobo water cooled 850 psu. hp zr2740w display @ 2560 x 1440 resolution now my problum is im getting low FPS 30 ish to 50ish every think very high AA off vsync off pp off what can i do to improve...i have tried high settings still no change :( plz help
  5. kenstyle2131

    fps how much?

    hello, never saw my fps before just tried now as i was suffering from lag. my FPS : 50 to 65 average...but it did dipped below 35 for some servers. my specs: asus motherboard. i7 2600 processor 8gb vengeance RAM EVGA GTX 680 2 GB running on stock speeds no over clocking what so eva. my setting on dayZ : every thing on high AA low FXX diabled video memory default anything i can do to improve my fps??
  6. kenstyle2131

    get out of my way

    dont know if its been posted before : but lol lol lol lol enjoy and keep looting :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sS1wzdlu-WM&feature=g-vrec
  7. hello, before i start this topic and people start commenting i would like to put a disclaimer that i am not a hacker non a scriptor nor i know how to hack/script in any way shap or form, this is just a gude if you may want to call it one, for people who lost there ways and tried to hack or script and got globally banned, i think every one should get a second chance after all we are only human and make mistakes. also i would like to clear that i my self have been killed , teleported, raped, stabed , shoot, laughted at by hackers, i do loose my temper at times but at the same time i feel sorry for em. do not stop playing dayZ!!! let the hacker have there fun, one day they will get boared and leave us alone. how do i know what to do when a person is globally banned? well one of my mates tryed to hack and lost his account because of this, he got another key, didnt hack still lost it lol. anyways lets start, its easy and please please for the love of god DO not hack again. remember this the only way to getting your new key to work, NO OTHER WAY. regediting DOES not work!! also i will not be resposable if you do not fellow the instruction the rite way and fuck up you pc or loose your key again. this all goes for people who download a key stealing softwears aswell. step 1. Do not i repeat DO NOT try to download any key changer software as it will not work and your will loss your newly bought key again. step 2. Delete every thing from your c drive ( yes evey thing ) meaning you have to restore your system, a frashly installed windows will be the only option. step 3. IMPORTANT** rename your PC with a different user name then what it was before. step 4. Download and make a NEW steam account , with a NEW user name. step 5. open steam at admin. step 6. buy arma 2 and arma OA or combined opertaions. and download it. step 5. download dayZ commander (recommended) or six updater (buggy) step 6. update from commander, patch and version. step 7. PLAY AND ENJOY and DO NOT HACK AGAIN OR I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN !!!!!!! thanks and hope this will help all those lost souls out there... bless and keep killing those ZOMBIES !!
  8. kenstyle2131

    so are you globally banned?

    dont care for your silly herp durps..!! im not forcing any one to follow this guide, not my concern if u hacked and fucked up !! for what i care buy another key and get it banned too....! by not doing what im tell the banned account holders. no more comments on the topic please , if u dont like it or dont find it helpfull move on!! dont waste time here!! if any one wants to follow what some of the other guys have posted be my guest, but know this !!! it will not work....!!
  9. kenstyle2131

    so are you globally banned?

    WHAT EVA DUDE!! it will not work and who ever tries your way will end up loosing another key...only my way works!! fill stop!!!
  10. kenstyle2131

    Banned for doing nothing?

    why dont you people ever search the forum before posting ?? here is the guide on what to do when your are banned, u bought the new game before deleting the old account files so arma over wrote your new key with the banned one, in short your new key is also banned. this the guide on how to install a new game after being banned: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/89659-so-are-you-globally-banned/
  11. kenstyle2131

    fps how much?

    here take my beans , lol
  12. kenstyle2131

    so are you globally banned?

    that would be one way to get rid of them...wish list innit?
  13. kenstyle2131

    so are you globally banned?

    DO NOT ATTEMPT to miss use this guide, and i will NOT be responsible for any damage caused !!!!!! or if this does not work for you.
  14. guide : http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/89659-so-are-you-globally-banned/
  15. kenstyle2131

    Stuck at Loading Screen..

    even with commander ??
  16. kenstyle2131

    so are you globally banned?

    have some beans and forgive lol
  17. kenstyle2131

    so are you globally banned?

    hummm..yes that's one way of looking at it...
  18. kenstyle2131

    so are you globally banned?

    i dont support hackers, yes u are rite a person should be held for there action but again, we are human beings and we make mistakes..a hacker will not need this topic in the 1st place coz he will find a hacked or stolen key faster before he even reads this lol this is for people who tried to download a hacker /script and failed, not they are sorry and want to play the game in a legit way. i didnt find any topic like this on the net so i taught i give some advice innit. but this will help most those people who had there keys stolen. my heart and intentions are in the rite place
  19. kenstyle2131

    so are you globally banned?

    lol why you say that!! im trying to help people here, but i don't balm you for saying that. dont hate people, every one makes mistakes, try to give people a 2nd chance innit.
  20. kenstyle2131

    new to dayZ

    hello, i have been playing dayZ for 2 months now , always have been a silent viewer on the forum as decided to say hello and that you guys are doing a fantastic job for the dayZ community. hope i will be welcomed here. regards. Ps. i meant to write "new to dayZ forum" as the topic name , lol fail on my part. lol
  21. kenstyle2131

    buying a new game

    hi all, im new to the forum and was thinking of buying arma CO to play dayZ, but when i try to buy steam give me a error: " An unexpected error has occurred. Your purchase has not been completed. Please contact Steam Support" i did contact em and sent em my complant, but they are to lazy to answer me back :( is it my card ( i have bought many games before using my same visa card, i dont have paypal in my country so i have only one of paying) it my account?? no bans what is it???? thanks
  22. kenstyle2131

    buying a new game

    how and where will activate they key if i buy from amazon, i have never bought a game for amazon so plz help??? how ill i active and download the game??
  23. kenstyle2131

    buying a new game

    so how i add the game to steam ?? how does that work? will the key be global as i do not live in us??
  24. kenstyle2131

    buying a new game

    ya i have been trying since 2 days :( man i dont want to play bf3 anymore...NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!