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About iceteaslurpie

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. iceteaslurpie

    CD Key In Use?

    I dont think so... But if that did happen, what should i do.
  2. iceteaslurpie

    CD Key In Use?

    I'm not sure what that means, but i always use DayZ Commander and check unofficial servers. I don't log into unofficial servers.
  3. iceteaslurpie

    CD Key In Use?

    Hey, i was wondering if anyone has any clue as to why this is happening... Whenever i join a DayZ server this is what it says! CD Key is in Use... I bought Arma 2 Combined Ops through steam. Anyone know how to fix or what to do? EDIT: I have seen this happens to hackers... about selling the CD Keys and stuff... I Have NEVER Downloaded a hack and this is happening.