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About geostabler@gmail.com

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  1. geostabler@gmail.com

    Low Permanent Cost to Killing

    The game is PvP based. Sorry but players being dangerous is what makes the game fun, otherwise go play the SP mod for DayZ
  2. geostabler@gmail.com

    Biological Night Vision

    Log on in the night, flash a torch and wait. You actually already have this, its about 10 mins to get your full vision back. Issue is ARMA was designed for realism and walking through a forest at night without light (I have done this) IS very dark, they do need to make nights a lil bit lighter IMO to make the game more playable however as without NVGs night is nasty
  3. geostabler@gmail.com

    Being cheater

    Just because a player is geared does not mean he is a cheat, did he have anything banned? did you see him do anything that woudl sugest he was other than having good gear? Otherwise you are just accusing someone with no evidence.
  4. geostabler@gmail.com

    nv fixed

    There is no way joining a server can ad anything to your system, sorry but this smells odd, either you downloaded something or someone else who uses your PC did. You need to find it and remove it.
  5. geostabler@gmail.com

    is this a hack ?

    Its a false positivem, if Gotcha is bringing it up (it does, alot) you can fix it by going to settings, antihack, and removing the line allowDammag
  6. geostabler@gmail.com

    Casual Encounters of the friendly variety

    Well obv cant offer 100% hacker free, but we will do our up most and have the abilty to sort you out or roll back if there is a major issue, so far we have not had to as we have caught them first, and trolls will just get got rid of as that just idiotic. And I am sure I can find you a set of NVGs as we have got a few spares within our group atm.
  7. geostabler@gmail.com

    Casual Encounters of the friendly variety

    Hey mate. We have just set up a new server on a Private hive with a group who are all generally friendly players, we are looking for more player for our server and would be more than happy to help you set up there. We aim to provide a hacker free environment, and while we don't disallow bandits, if they are going to grief player massively, we will come and grief them back till the leave, we also offer TS for players. If you are interested join our server and say hi, server is linked below, we have a mix of EU and US player so there is generally always people on.
  8. geostabler@gmail.com


    Hey, We have a group who have just set up our own server (linked below in my sig) generally always someone on as we are from both the US and EU. EU based server (dunno why teh tag says US...) and weare all a nice friendly lot, you woudl be more than welcome to join us on our server, we also use a TS as well which player can use.
  9. geostabler@gmail.com

    Just a guy looking for a group to roll with.

    Hey ya. We have just set up a server and have a few lil groups playing on it together, we all tend to interact with each other alot and are very friendly and helpful to new player. Generally players are welcome on TS and get integrated into a group if they want. All the server info is in my sig below. We also aim to provide a hacker free environment, we use Gotca antihacks and our host offers backups incase of major incidents. It is an EU server, I am unsure why the sig says its in the US. we have a mix of EU and US players so there are generally always players on.
  10. geostabler@gmail.com

    Looking for EU squad/clan

    Hey. We have just set up a new Day Z private hive and have a few groups on our server, looking for more and generally players find they fit into a one group or another, server Info is in my sig below and we have a TS player can use aswell, feel free to give us a try, we are a nice communal lot
  11. geostabler@gmail.com

    Creating and or Looking for Bandit Squad

    Hey, our server, (in my sig) is new and looking for groups, both survivor and bandits. We can offer you and anyone you play with a good atmosphere with active admins and rollbacks incase we have any major issues with hackers. Completly private hive, you start with a pistol, tent, beans, coke, knife, matches 3 bandages and a 12 slot pack. Its an EU server (dunno why it says US) but we have a mix of US and EU players so there are generally always players online. We have a steam group TWBDdayZ and are working on the forums now.
  12. geostabler@gmail.com

    Looking for group/people to play with

    Hey, Me and a load of peeps have just set up a new private hive server ( 3 reasonable sized groups on the server and a mix of EU and US ppl to play with at all times. If you are friendly and like working as a team you generally get invited to a group. We also have a steam group we have just set up, search for TWBDdayZ on steam if you are interested and pop on and say hi!
  13. geostabler@gmail.com

    2 Peeps looking for new home! in UK

    Hey, The Watch/Black Diamonds server is aiming to have a nice community. or servch TW/BD and chose the DayZ.st one New private hive server active admins friendly bunch, TS channel on request for you and your buddy or clan (can be passworded for you) or if you make friends with us you can always just join us in ours. Forums coming soon We use Gotcha antihacks as well as our checking ourselves and have backups in case of a major incident.
  14. The Watch and Black Diamonds Cherno Server, 80 Vehicles 50 Slots, Vet difficulty, active admins IP: We are a group of players who have started a private hive server and would like to invite any player looking for a fun server to start on. All player have a slight better starter kit (12 slot pack, Tent, Pistol). We are also using Gotcha antihacks to monitor the sever and have an international community so there are always players online. We aim to provide a stable environment for player to play on as we have all experienced issues on other servers. We are hosted my DayZ.st who offer hive backups so we can resolve any major issues. Any questions, feel free to ask!
  15. geostabler@gmail.com

    Nasty use of in game mechanics

    OK I would like some advice here. I have had a group of player on my server who did something I feel is decidedly dirty. One of them appears to have made friends with a group of players over a day for 2. They when just him and them were on the server called for support knowing the player would (rather foolishly probably) come to try and rescue him with the helo they were in. As soon as they landed 4 players logged in a set up around the location and popped the chopper killing them all and then attempted to steal the chopper (broken so they could not). In this situation would you consider this to be exploiting the game mechanics by setting up on another server so they players would let their guard down. Or the equivalent of server hopping to move in behind a player you are fighting?