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About Pinks

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Double ...Err whoops we can use this as a bump?
  2. - Username/Handle: [sP] Pinks - Age: 21 - Why do you want to join weRtherapists?: Looking for a solid group of players that arn't five years old, hopefully this it is. - How many hours of DayZ do you play on a daily bases?: 3 - 8 hrs. (Depends if I work and stuff.) - Do you Teamspeak?: Yes - Do you have a microphone? Yes : - Are you willing to kill another player sometime during your trial period to become an official member of the clan?: Yes - Anything else you would like to add?: I'm usually really quiet and hardly talk and what not, don't take me as offensive and stuff I just don't have much to say unless it pretains to the game at hand. (I generally scout for a fireteam as well, though I'm capable of playing a more team based role as well.)