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Everything posted by sonicrainbrony

  1. sonicrainbrony

    Looking for VSS Vintorez!

    There is no VSS Vintorez.
  2. sonicrainbrony

    DayZ... and what it can become.

    Please tell me how I deal more damage with my weapon if I get more skilled at using it...
  3. sonicrainbrony

    Remove character creation (M/F)

    It is because it actually creates your character into the game world, not about the gender...
  4. sonicrainbrony

    Story Time

    This exists already, use the search function
  5. Well I'll be, the config editing actually made my FPS better (already was good, but in Arma 2, you need every frame you can get)
  6. sonicrainbrony

    It wasn't my fault...IT WASN'T MY FAULT!

    We know, we know.
  7. sonicrainbrony

    Backing Up DayZ

  8. sonicrainbrony


    How dare you put CoD and My Little Pony in the same sentence? And the idea is kinda... Meh. You should see it yourself.