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Everything posted by sonicrainbrony

  1. sonicrainbrony

    DayZ Combat tips

    11. Put your palm on the mouse, so that your index finger is on the left mouse button, and your ring finger is on the right mouse button 12. Make sure the positioning your hand is correct 13. Press the right mouse button to take aim 14. Aim at target 15. Press the left mouse button 16. Feel the recoil 17. Have no mercy Or don't, Just avoid combat altogether, sneak, and be diplomatic.
  2. sonicrainbrony

    What is going on!?!? (fps issue)

    I know, but you know what I mean :P
  3. sonicrainbrony

    What is going on!?!? (fps issue)

    It's funny how this thread turned from a low FPS to how humans perceive frames per second.
  4. sonicrainbrony

    What is going on!?!? (fps issue)

    Perhaps you have a really low refresh rate set for your monitor? EDIT: This illustrates the difference perfectly, I'm sorry for the huge posts due to the gifs
  5. sonicrainbrony

    What is going on!?!? (fps issue)

    Well... No, they clearly don't.
  6. sonicrainbrony

    What is going on!?!? (fps issue)

    This is false. http://frames-per-second.appspot.com/ Please tell me that 30 FPS looks the same as 60. EDIT: This is false as well, if you have a 120 Hertz monitor, you can definitely tell the diffrence between 60 and 120 FPS. --- Moron. You saw that coming, right?
  7. sonicrainbrony

    Removing chat function sucks for deaff players

    Considering how my father is blind, I'd say I'm fairly aware of what disabled people are capable of.
  8. sonicrainbrony

    Removing chat function sucks for deaff players

    These kinds of survival games are kinda not made for disabled people. Fun fact, this game is unfair for blind people, why don't we disable the screen for everyone? People without hands can't play this because they can't use a keyboard and mouse, that's unfair, and we must implement a system to auto-walk and aimbot for people who don't have hands.
  9. sonicrainbrony

    Native OS X support?

    Don't use a Mac to play games, please, just don't.
  10. sonicrainbrony

    new patch, when?

    Once it's done /thread
  11. sonicrainbrony

    Newbie Needs Some Help

    It's the graphics card, I'd say get something like the Radeon 270 or GTX 770
  12. sonicrainbrony

    Oculus Rift = Pay2Win

  13. sonicrainbrony

    Waiting for more content.

    "Waiting for more content" Aren't we all? That's kinda the point of an Alpher.
  14. No need to let them know you are even there :l
  15. I was expecting something else when I opened this thread.
  16. sonicrainbrony

    A n00bs first impression of Dayz

    Oh please, after playing the mod since May 2012, I'm still at the wrong end most of the time -_-
  17. sonicrainbrony

    A n00bs first impression of Dayz

    Welcome. To truly be one with the Holy Trinity, the Beans, Dean and the Dew, you must realise that in DayZ there is no right or wrong, no second thoughts, no conscience. Also don't alt tab out of the game, that's just dumb.
  18. sonicrainbrony

    Kill on sight... my group is doing it now

    So wait... Why does anyone give a shit about you and your group KoSing?
  19. sonicrainbrony

    The ultimate flaw with DayZ

    The ultimate flaw with DayZ is people like OP whining about mean KoS'ers killing them and taking all their hard-earned stuff that they so got attached to :(
  20. sonicrainbrony

    M4A1s are Common and Overpowered

    B... but in CoD and BF I can survive a headshot :( why is this game so unrealistic and unbalanced :((((
  21. sonicrainbrony

    Using RAMdisk to increase FPS

    RAM is orders of magnitude faster than an SSD.
  22. sonicrainbrony

    Any tips for FPS boost (AMD) ?

    Do note that the video settings don't actually affect your CPU very much, if at all. They are video options that are handled by your video card.
  23. sonicrainbrony

    I ate a rotten kiwi, help!

    I've found plenty of fresh Kiwis
  24. sonicrainbrony

    Very Low FPS with Good PC

    Yeah, 4770K and GTX 780, both overclocked, getting 40-60 FPS at maximum settings -_-
  25. sonicrainbrony

    I want to get a better CPU

    That's incorrect. Most current games are (much) more GPU intensive. Arma and DayZ on the other hand, do tax the GPU a lot, but also tax the CPU. With the CPU, single core performance is important, since most games poorly utilise multi-core CPU's. It's a pretty solid graphics card though.