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Everything posted by MichaelP578

  1. MichaelP578

    Looking for a small squad.

    I don't have a squad, but I'm looking to form a small raiding party for this game. I'd love to team up with you if you need a extra guy atm.
  2. Howdy, I'm slightly new to the game, and I'd love to find a group of players to team up with. Just friendly people who'll be willing to group up and stick together and raid some towns and stuff. Steam name's michaelp578, and that's my ingame name as well. Hoping to get started tonight if anyone's interested. Just reply here, and we'll get onto the same server and start going at it. Thanks!
  3. MichaelP578

    Looking for a team to go play.

    I think that'd be a neat concept, but I like the concept of throwing you into the deep end. It's immersive.
  4. MichaelP578

    Looking for a team to go play.

    That'd be great. I have both, but I don't own a server.
  5. MichaelP578

    Looking for a team to go play.

    However many want to come is totally fine with me.
  6. MichaelP578

    [GoC] Guardians of Chernarus Recruiting

    ngame name: MichaelP578 Steam Name: michaelp578 Age: 16 Mic: yes Preferred role: Assault is totally fine with me. Timezone: GMT -7 How often do you play a day and at what times: On and off during the day on weekends and for a few hours sometimes on weekday afternoons. Bandit: nope Survivor: yes Humanity: 2500 Hacker or scripter: no