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About IamMad

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. IamMad

    First gun you ever found in DayZ?

    M4 and G17. I remember being super excited, saying to my friends on steam that i got awesome gear in the middle of nowhere (It was night and i though i was in the center of chernarus), turns out I was in a firestation of elektro lol
  2. IamMad

    ARMA II and OA solo disabled...

    When I use a non steam version the solo is availablei'd like to run the steam version through http://puu.sh/14lv6 no dayz folder there
  3. IamMad

    ARMA II and OA solo disabled...

    Steam. Already checked the launch propreties and it's blank
  4. IamMad

    ARMA II and OA solo disabled...

    How do I do that ? I already unchecked it on the expansions menu of Arma OA but nothing happens.
  5. Pretty clear title. Since some time I can't play the solo mode of both the game and the DLC.. Also, ARMA II is laggy as shit while dayz runs at like 60 fps Anyone?
  6. Thanks dude. But you gotta admit there are reasons to get pissed after something like that happens. Worst thing is, as I mentionned on my first post I started loading my SD mags + my smoke grenades onto the truck before getting banned. I'll just have to find another helicopter crash site I guess.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOsKRo2_FyI&feature=context-cha
  8. Happened on DE 2883 Since pictures are better than text, here is a self explainatory story : "wee found an easily repaired truck too best day ever" annnnddd. most frustrating dayz experience ever. i mean come on i waited so long to get this to happen and i get banned because of a freaking bug. Even if i get unbanned the truck won't be here anymore in one hour max, and the worst is that i started putting my stuff in the truck before getting kicked. seriously..... no wonder people spawn weapons and vehicles. Edit : I don't think it's a butthurt admin move since the first time I got kicked for the same reason and he didn't know I was stalking him...