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Everything posted by ParagonXVIII

  1. ParagonXVIII

    Gender errors

  2. Recently I feel as though I have not felt as immersed as I first was in DayZ, I know how to abuse the zombie attack animations to favor my advantage, I've learnt if I run inside a building and I'm being chased I'm pretty much going to be fine, I've learnt that from experience to always shoot on sight if I don't know who they are as I know for a fact they will do the same as I think people feel the risk is to high to trust someone so it would be easier just to pop them (Which is not cool!) Not only do I not feel as immersed I don't feel connected to my character anymore but more towards the loot I've found, I don't want to die because I really don't want to run all that way again and have to find all my gear but really I should be worrying about my characters story ending as I feel that's the way the mod was intended to be played. tl;dr not scared of zeds, shooting players on sight, immersion is slipping, need help getting it back.
  3. After heading up north to Gvozdno I came across two survivors in a open field taking shots at the zeds in the town that was in the valley, not only did I watch them get swarmed by 15+ zeds but I listened to them panicking over voice chat, I stayed back in the tree line and watched them kill the last of the zeds, as they began catching their breath and bandaging themselves I lurked out of the trees and fire a buckshot at one of the survivors legs, the other man dropped to the ground in terror, I moved around the tree line, shot up real close to the living man and shot him point blank in the head, looted them and skipped away with a nice new hunting rifle and tent, only to get the message "fuk u" pop up in chat! Happy days!
  4. Just like to open things up with this is the best alpha mod I've ever played and the way things are looking I think it's going to be one of the greatest not to mention successful. But I was thinking maybe we could kill two birds with one stone and having players be able to roughly pick their own spawn out of a few selected grid locations, obviously still sticking to the shoreline I obviously know this could be executed in a much more less game breaking way such as there's 15 people queuing to spawn in Chernogorsk you need to pick somewhere else, no one likes spawning in Kamenka when all your allies are camped up at Pobeda Dam so it would 1. Allow you to spawn closer to where you need to go and 2. Make it so players have some choice in where they spawn thus avoiding people topping themselves to maybe get closer to their destination, I know the idea would need a lot of theory crafting behind it but surely it's a start?