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Everything posted by DMC14

  1. DMC14

    Sawn-Off Shotgun

    its do able it just not much of a sawn off. its more like a shortening of the barrel. otherwise u loose ammo capacity wich i think is more important then being able to conceal it in this game. sawn off double barrel though = awesome.
  2. DMC14

    the Dayz of the Triffids

    spawn with down syndrome or prone to epileptic fits. or missing limbs or as a paraplegic. either way base it on the novel not the movie/s.
  3. not fun for the person that owns the base it is for everyone else. one time i find an enemy camp (i took there apache and huey (i wasnt alone) then we proceeded to pick everyone on the server up and took them to this camp that was just full of everying u could ever need. they came back on just as we dropped the last load of people off. it was very funny. anyway they kill the last group we dropped of. so we come back with the apache kill one of em but cant find the other two so we destroy their tents, 1 chopper they had left and both of their boats (did i mention the base was on an island in the middle of no where it would have taken hrs to swim to the mainland). they hunted me down for weeks even across game modes into wasteland, which is where they finally got me a few times. it was pretty funny. anyway i play on the one of the 82nd i44 insurgency servers, they run a decent server (good admins, good group of people to play with).
  4. predator and little kids calling out would be the main ones. there is a few other sounds they are pretty creepy i reckon. and now they have added that alien thingy to it (the predator noise makes more sense now). been a while since i played it though. Good weapons on namalsk also and they aint to hard to find (go to the bunker)..
  5. DMC14

    Being kicked by server

    sounds like what happened to me ages ago macafee kept trying to block arma2. just click always allow. (i accidently clicked block once in a rush.)
  6. play namalsk always hear weird shit on that map.
  7. DMC14

    Scoped Lee Enfield

    maybe not heaps of lee's in russia but there would be in the south of the old ussr or closer to turkey (def in turkey). it wouldnt be that hard to get a modern scope to fit as long as you had the right tools. andd wwII rifles (or at least enfields) are fucking cheap. But 303 rounds would be pretty scarce over there i reckon. thought someone might like this http://www.mocpages.com/moc.php/97142
  8. its pretty funny. a bandit complaining about being shot. Dont trust anyone (except the people you joined the game with).
  9. DMC14

    Death Race (Need competitors)

    i'd be keen but only if i can have a teammate. dont need primaries but i want a hilux with mounted HMG. or something to that effect.
  10. thats why they call it rare loot. and i thought SVD's were really rare. i've never seen a shotty at a heli crash before. Seriously i find it hard to beleive people that find NVG's every time they play a little hard to believe.
  11. DMC14


    namalsk has plenty of rail tracks. me and a few guys always said it would be awesome to have a train to roll around on.
  12. if i can find enough ammo i am more then happy to back into a building and start wasting z's as the come at me (bro).
  13. DMC14

    Real Military Players

    im pretty sure its a series of t-shirts that you can buy called - pants on head (and im not sure but i think it also has "retarded shit" in the title to).
  14. tilen ya little hood rat, who fucken knows.
  15. DMC14

    Unkown tin can

    really i didnt think they would do damage (what about zombies?) i thought they were just supposed to be a noise deterent thingy.
  16. DMC14

    Road flares suck so how about..

    carefull cause it used to fuck your character in a way i cant recall. pretty sure you would pretty much die or something though. see if someone nows before you try it i reckon.
  17. DMC14

    Road flares suck so how about..

    does it still wig out the game if you put the military torch on your shoulder?
  18. DMC14

    Anyone found a machete yet?

    that would probably be the most valuable item in a apocalypse wasteland. dont underestimate a good bit of dunny role when you got the shits (especially after eating all those beans).
  19. DMC14

    Question i need answered please

    i didnt buy mine from steam but two of my mates did and they told me about dayz commander so yeah doing what i said will work for ya.
  20. i hate the throwing system in this game (not just dayz but arma2) it goes the direction your aiming all the time its just trying to get the distance sucks.
  21. DMC14

    What's Your Favorite Gear-Out?

    crossbow is awesome for taking out z's quietly and with one shot. didnt think we were gonna get quivers and machettes until the stand alone that is fucking awesome news!!!!!!!!!!
  22. DMC14

    Question i need answered please

    no. download dayz commander. then download your dayz mod using commander and search for servers via that and you dont have to fuck around with files (cause trust me if i had to do that i probably would never have started the game). and via day commander you can get alll your updates and all the different dayz maps.