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  1. shikanosuke

    DayZ 2017 New Release

    All of this is irrelevant to the latest and FAR better version, which is nearly impossible to compare to 1.1
  2. in case you have tried the earlier 1.0 or 1.1 versions and are basing your opinion on those then try the latest, as it's a much larger change from 1.0 to 2.0 than dayz to 2017.
  3. Chances are if you try this you will die a couple dozen times before learning how to survive the environment short/long term, and even then have trouble lasting as much as a full day. This really is not comparable to traditional DayZ. Rifles are rare and their ammo spawns one bullet at a time meaning you would be lucky to find a winchester with 3 shots. Latest version is 2.0
  4. If you haven't tried it and liked the idea of regular dayz, you should try it for sure. what was the point of adding hunger/thirst in regular dayz if you never died from either? well you will die from it in 2017 if you aren't lucky/serious. Zombies are also somewhat dangerous/scary, can't let them bite you or you will easily die as a result.
  5. shikanosuke

    DayZ 2017 New Release

  6. shikanosuke

    DayZ 2017 New Release

    I love the idea of a persistant survival experience, and agree that the current amount of meat you get from finding/killing one animal is too high for you to worry about food after that, i think from a game play perspective it would be a lot more satisfying if you had to hunt rabbits and (rare) boars because hunting a rabbit is actually a lot like actually HUNTING because they can often be hard to hit, plus after eating one you will only put off starvation for an hour or so instead of indefinitely. also just a note, 2.0 is alot harder/cooler than the last version anyone has mentioned so if you havent you should very much check out the 2.0 update for 2017 P.S. keep bandages scarce but maybe consider seeing if you could add a new feature allowing players to use a hunting knife to cut out a bandage off a player/zed corpse with the same rate of infection as eating player/zed meat.
  7. The new 2017 mod is a fun version of dayz, where surviving is the actual goal. its a lot more fun than dayz but after a couple days of getting used to it you can easily get enough food from farm animals to become complacent and start looking for something to do to kill time, instead of having to constantly strive for long term survival. My suggestion is that instead of lowering the number of animals, which could result in not enough on high pop servers -although that would still be more fun- is to remove cows/sheep/goats or if possible drastically increase the ratio of rabbits/anything else so that people will typically only get enough food from hunting an animal to keep them going for the immediate future, with larger animals like boars being a rarer more valuable treat. I feel that the flaw with the current situation with animals is that while it can sometimes be difficult to get a knife and find one, once you do its unlikely you will ever need to worry about food again. Any comments/suggestions or criticism would be appriciated.
  8. In every zombie fiction ive seen scratches are just as deadly as bites, and some of their attack animations have bites. If you assume their entire body is infected then of course any injury caused by them is nearly guaranteed to be deadly, similarly, if they are dead bodies and not 28 days later style infected then their rotting fingers would be RIDDLED with bacteria and diseases that absolutely would cause potentially deadly infections if they broke your skin. I just imagine how impossible it would be to make a zombie apocalypse movie where the survivors can stand still for 30 seconds with 2 zombies on them and most likely be pretty much fine untill they finally start to get low enough blood to pass out and be in danger of actually dying; something like 15-20 zombie hits later.
  9. it just seems like it would be really easy to add right now without having to any serious modding, because as it stands there arent many right now so if they ever change zombie numbers, they can always rebalance them then, but NOW they arent any fun at all. There is no thrill in dealing with them because they really just arent dangerous enough. i mean really might as well make them need headshots too, i doubt anyone would complain at all, as long as it was something servers could turn on/off, the harder they make the aspects of the game the more there is to it. Also, it doesnt really matter how strong they make zombies if they leave it so you can still run to avoid being hit guaranteed forever and little difficulty losing them, either the way they attack or the way sprint works should be changed, it would add more to the game than anything else i can think of.
  10. exactly, in a SURVIVAL game the content is the things that will actually kill you, as it stands its like it has all of the parts of a zombie survival game, but all of them are too weak to actually be important to anyone but noobs who just ASSUME they are important because they SHOULD be, then they eventually learn they arent and only think about pvp. We have a hunger/thirst system but its too slow and too easy to get supplies for it to be a constant gameplay element, same with temperature and really anything but the incredibly rare random stuff which guarantees long periods of time spent bored waiting for something worth doing to come along. Overall it really seems like if a survival element isnt something that can kill you if you ignore it virtually forever then its not really adding the to the gameplay the way it should be.
  11. Something like that would be my hope.
  12. yeah but people release other maps for dayz so how hard would it actually be for someone to make a version with better zombies as an option? Also, i could really see difficult zombies giving people incentive to work together, maybe a car you want to fix is somewhere with too many zombies for you to handle the job alone with what you currently have? the more situations that seem challenging or impossible to handle on your own the more reason you have to work together, shouldent looting a city mean risking your life in a zombie apocalypse? of course theres the threat of other players but even on a high pop server they arent always there to interact with, sucks needing to walk for an hour to FIND a threat to survive while passing countless dozens of zombies on the way. Dying might not always be fun but surviving is more fun the harder it is, new players might die alot but if they came for a zombie survival game then death from zombies needs to be a constant threat to even make it survival and not zombie target practice, or zombie avoidance with no realistic chance of death in the process without player involvement or being completely new, and the game was so much more fun when i was new because of that.
  13. I can think of two changes that are completely doable and each would give zombies some relevance in survival. The first would be to make being hit by a zombie either guaranteed or 50% chance to give you an infection, which is realistic considering the thing injuring you is made entirely of deseased rotten flesh; this might make it over challenging for newer players but no one who wants a zombie survival game is going to be stopped by that and it might even give people more incentive to team up for survival benefits. Zombies would always demand your attention and the threat of handling them would need to be taken into account forcing you to at least acknowledge that they are there and they arent literally HARMLESS on their own. Second change would be either a more realistic limited sprint in which there is SOME POINT at which you cant run fast enough to avoid being hit anymore so that you would have incentive to actually sneak around and really have to deal with zombies that get on you, or a better hunger/thirst system that would result in players occasionally finding a time when they actually need more food/water than they have found or could easily find looking nearly anywhere, so keeping up supplies long term becomes concern, not really zombie related but it would help the game out. I personally think that any zombie survival game really NEEDS to be challenging to survive in singleplayer, and have multiplayer as an addition to the experience and not the only thing that makes it even remotely worth playing. So anyone who knows how to code want to make a modified version of dayz with features like that? Or is that not an unrealistic hope?
  14. shikanosuke

    Zombies? What zombies? This is pure PvP.

    I can think of two changes that are completely doable and each would give zombies some relevance in survival. The first would be to make being hit by a zombie either guaranteed or 50% chance to give you an infection, which is realistic considering the thing injuring you is made entirely of deseased rotten flesh; this might make it over challenging for newer players but no one who wants a zombie survival game is going to be stopped by that and it might even give people more incentive to team up for survival benefits. Zombies would always demand your attention and the threat of handling them would need to be taken into account forcing you to at least acknowledge that they are there and they arent literally HARMLESS on their own. Second change would be either a more realistic limited sprint in which there is SOME POINT at which you cant run fast enough to avoid being hit anymore so that you would have incentive to actually sneak around and really have to deal with zombies that get on you, or a better hunger/thirst system that would result in players occasionally finding a time when they actually need more food/water than they have found or could easily find looking nearly anywhere, so keeping up supplies long term becomes concern, not really zombie related but it would help the game out. I personally think that any zombie survival game really NEEDS to be challenging to survive in singleplayer, and have multiplayer as an addition to the experience and not the only thing that makes it even remotely worth playing. So anyone who knows how to code want to make a modified version of dayz with features like that? Or is that not an unrealistic hope?