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About DanielG

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. DanielG

    Banned US 4295

    Can anyone else tell me anything? Or atleast go on the server and ask why I'm banned?
  2. DanielG

    Banned US 4295

    Oh ok, I'm just hoping that the admins will shed some light on this. Oh also the admin's name I think is KelticGaming or something.
  3. DanielG

    Banned US 4295

    I just got banned from US 4295 for TSW#KQKMUV. I don't know what this means. Earlier today though a hacker got on and said a message like "Enjoy free items" or something. I thought I dropped most of the things, but I'm thinking I didn't drop them all. There was like 30 people on the server at the time and we were complaining to the hacker we didn't want the free items. So I'm hoping I get unbanned or atleast told why I got banned because I really enjoy this server. My user is Daniel Getz.
  4. My first death was rather wierd. I went into a tool shed and picked up a toolbox. As soon as I picked it up though, I got spawned in an AS50, Coyote backpack, ghillie suit, and a bunch of other cool things. So I decided to go in the forest. I killed a sheep and started to light a fire. I bent over to cook the meat and When I get up there's a guy standing behind me with a crossbow and shoots me in the head. Then I die.
  5. I am aware that other people are having this problem to, but I cannot see/hear people in direct communication. I have the same beta version as the server I play on, I have tried reinstalling the game/beta, I have let things through my firewall, and vehicle chat works. I can talk to people in direct chat except I can see/hear them talking either I have even tried testing with the owner of the server. Is there any solution to this? I have searched and searched, but came up with nothing.
  6. DanielG

    Banned from CA1

    Umm im not sure how to delete this, but turns out it was a server error and it happened to everyone for a few seconds so, yeah....
  7. It said I was banned for "Haxxing" even though I wasn't... This just happened only a few minutes ago while I was going to another guy in Balota. So I was in a corner store type thing near the international hotel in Cherno and I aggroed a few zombies so I ran upstairs and laid down. I was rolling over to the entrance and then I stopped. A few seconds later a message said "Battle eye kick: Admin Ban: Haxxing" or something like that. Now I can't get on. :( Please unban me.