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Posts posted by mckeighan

  1. Does anyone have a listing of the correct files that need to be touched to turn "added skins" into a lootable (and packable) item?

    As in - I want to add more choices, not change choices out.

    I've figured out that I need to touch a number of files, requiring a player download of content to join our server. (Which is ok - we have a community that is good with that).

    But even though I've got the entire thing set up, I keep getting an error when running into the area to spawn the new loot.

    "No Entry in bin\config.bin\CfgMagazines.Skin_Soldier2_DZ" as an example.

    Any insight would be appreciated, as I've torn apart every PBO, including dayz_server.pbo, trying to figure out where the issue is.

    It can spawn Skin_Soldier1_DZ just fine, but it doesn't spawn Soldier2_DZ.
