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Rage VG

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Everything posted by Rage VG

  1. Rage VG

    SUGGESTION:Losing items

    It would add another layer of realism. Not a bad idea, JonTron. Now go make me more videos.
  2. Rage VG

    Important! Is it to be? Or not to be?

    Thank you, I understand theres, large development to be done, an in a way i feel like I would be meant to be a PC gamer. As a shit ton of PC games disappoint me as they are not available on console, as for example DayZ, Ive been itching to get my hands on something like that for a long time, Believe me, I know your pain. I've had DayZ sitting in my library for a few months and I can't run it to save my life lest my PC burst into flames. Correct me if I'm wrong but age ratings are parental advisory, as in if his parents consent then he is good to go. Don't quote me on that, though.
  3. Rage VG

    Important! Is it to be? Or not to be?

    Hey there, There will most likely not be a console port in the next year. This is because, as you stated, the game is still in alpha. It wouldn't make sense to port an incomplete game over to consoles and market it as a complete game. You can think of it like Minecraft; upon release it was very raw. after a long open development period it finally released at 1.0 and not long after, a console port was released. Now, I'm not confirming a console port after release nor am I denying a console port before one, but the logical conclusion and the one I've been hearing is that after the game is finally released as a full game, a console port will likely be considered. Well, it wouldn't affect the PC players in any way, so I don't see why not.
  4. Rage VG

    Dayz on xbox1 & ps4?

    The primary focus is on the PC version. If it's convenient, console ports will likely be made, but we can safely assume this won't be for the following year as nobody is going to buy an alpha game for a console, and Rocket doesn't expect it to come out of alpha for another year.
  5. Rage VG

    Thanks to everyone.

    $50 and I'll message Matt and ask when DayZ 2's coming out.
  6. Au contraire, every great story needs good villains. ^^ I wish you luck with your server.
  7. But exactly how much change can you add to something before it becomes something else entirely? It's a really, delicate line between changing too much and not changing enough. On the one hand there are of course people like yourself who have enjoyed the game for a long time but are getting tired of going "through the motions" so to put it and would like to see something quite revolutionary added to spice things up and perhaps add another "end-game(ish)" for you to accomplish, however on the other hand there are other people (and as far as I can tell, the majority) who play DayZ specifically because they still enjoy those "motions" so much, and want more of it because they still like it and don't want the game to become focused on/tailored to/(insert better words here) something else entirely, with the reasoning that if they wanted a game that was focused on/tailored to/(insert better words here) something else, they wouldn't be playing DayZ in the first place. Though that's not to say that the standalone shouldn't change as to not tamper with the feeling at all. It's just that my personal opinion is right now, I feel there's enough new content to warrant a purchase as cheap as DayZ will be, relative to the additions already promised. Which you can tell most are at least somewhat tailored towards extending the mid-game a little more than what the mod provides, as opposed to the end-game that everyone achieves so quickly, and the early-game that people are sent to after messing up the end-game, which I feel is already quite pushing the envelope on what we can still call "the DayZ experience."
  8. But it's not stagnant. There's plenty of change, it's just that none of the changes are going to turn it into a completely new game.. And I'm pretty sure most games will get boring after two years of constant play, dude.
  9. Nether at least looks good, and isn't filled up the arse with microtransactions. That's a step forward.
  10. No, but really. Those are the same game. Air quotes IRL. The only game I've seen that rivals what DayZ has/had/will have is Nether, and that is still more focused on PvE than DayZ is. Either way, Missed deadlines or no, expectations are still high from newcomers and veterans alike. All that the missed deadlines mean is that there's more work put into it. At the end of the day, I'm not sure what much more you expect them to add without making it a completely different game. Everything that makes DayZ what it is has been kept or only polished, whilst everything else has been reworked. If the idea of significantly more interactive building with dynamic loot locations is not enough of an improvement to something as simple as scavenging then I don't know what is. If you're expecting a free handy every time you enter a building to make it worth it after hundreds of hours I'd reconsider your purchase. All in all, devs are damned if they do, damned if they don't. If they focus on improving on the core DayZ experience, people will complain that they are just making people buy the mod, being lazy, cash whores. If they try and branch out, people will complain it's no longer DayZ, just a generic Zombie shooter with PvP. They've abandoned their ideals which means they are being lazy cash whores. So I would like to propose an idea, one that is logically sound and allows you to complain about whatever you please should the need call for it; Let's wait for the game to actually come out and be played before we start reviewing it.
  11. I suppose so. I guess I just don't look forward to the idea of having to fire off a few rounds to adjust, as it'd alert everything nearby.
  12. I still think it's going to be a bit difficult to do, and get irritating eventually, however if someone were to make an extreme realism mod I would 110% want this in it.
  13. Whilst I think that'd be incredibly cool, I personally think it'd also be incredibly tedious to have to do that every time we pick up a gun. I'd probably get annoyed with it eventually.
  14. Rage VG

    Petition to Remove Payday Mask

    For the love of christ. Why is it that whenever anything isn't ideal, a petition is made? I mean, geez, I understand it's a good way to influence people to voice their opinion but goddamn I am tired of seeing "WE MUST CREATE A PETITIOOOOOOOOON!" Come on, it's getting silly. Something changes in your favorite show? PETITION! Video game that isn't even released doesn't have a confirmed PC Port? PETITION! And now we're getting a petition to have a single item removed from a game still in development? Has everyone forgotten that you can just leave constructive feedback and if the devs care enough to listen to a petition, they'd listen to that too and they'd probably appreciate it more than the angry mob approach. TL;DR - I am creating a petition to outlaw petitions. Rant not aimed at OP, fyi.
  15. In my opinion, as long as it can be argued as somewhat practical and/or isn't very impacting, I'm okay with it. A mask is easily something you can argue there being a use in (Identity concealment), and I can argue that it will probably have little to no impact on the game outside of its cosmetic value. The design on the mask makes almost no difference, so arguing over whether it should have a payday reference or not is just semantics. When he starts adding things like that rainbow-farting pony from Saint's row or a Nosferatu cape, then I feel that's going over the line.
  16. Did I miss something? I blinked.
  17. Rage VG

    how i record audio from internet?

    I personally use Youtube-mp3 for grabbing audio from videos.
  18. Rage VG

    Banned For Nothing

    As stated, we do not have any control over Global Bans. Contact BattlEye.
  19. Rage VG

    Do You Think Bandits Are Bad?

    It depends what you mean. In terms of my survivability, then Bandits are typically bad unless I get the drop on them in which case, free loot. If you mean for the game as a whole, then no. They add diversity, variety, and entertainment.
  20. Rage VG

    Global Ban issue

    What he said.
  21. Rage VG

    hey everyone

    Hey there, Many people come to DayZ for that very same feeling; knowing nobody and nothing, piecing together knowledge and relationships. My personal advice would be to relish it. However, if you're looking to bypass some or all of that, you can use the DayZDB map to find loot spots, and we have a Survivor HQ if you're looking for a group of friendlies (Or Bandit Campfire if you're after some not-so-friendlies). And of course, the forums are here specifically for you to find out what you need to know. If you have a question about the game that hasn't been answered yet, feel free to ask and you will receive input from all different varieties of survivors. You can also PM me if you have any questions, problems, or just want to say hi.
  22. Sometimes I'll try to pick up loot from someone's video. It's weird.
  23. Rage VG

    Hi Guys

    Welcome aboard. Feel free to PM me if you need anything.
  24. Nail on the head. Beans for you. Nobody would suggest that you harden up, simply that this sort of behavior WILL harden you up. If everyone went arm in hands, people would start complaining about the lack of action on the servers. Find a community. A good one. This way, you are more likely to run into the same people, who will remember (and be remembered for) actions to and from certain players. In a random server, it's more like "I've never seen this guy before and I will never see him again", but in a community it's "These are the people I have chosen to be around." There will still be PvP, just not as much RDMing. Also keep in mind that not all kills are RDM.