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Rage VG

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Everything posted by Rage VG

  1. Again, not all girls sound feminine. Failing that, a lot of people simply don't use it.
  2. Odds are you've met plenty and never known. Not everyone's defining characteristic is their sex/gender I.E. not all girls have a feminine username or avatar. Some of them specifically avoid it so they can save themselves the harassment, which is a sad fact to swallow.
  3. Rage VG

    Rape and Torture

    Pardon my intrusion but this must be said; For the exact same reason we are not forced to brush our teeth in DayZ or else they rot out, or why we don't have to find clothing that actually fits us, there will never be things like rape.
  4. Rage VG

    Massive Issue

    We don't know if they were having this issue when they were up and just posting it now or not, but it always helps to include that information.
  5. Rage VG

    Massive Issue

    Only thing I can think of is an antivirus or firewall throttling the program's access to your internet. Try disabling any security programs you have entirely for a temporary period. If that fixes it, we can look into adding your game as an exception so you can keep your computer secure and still enjoy the game. Also, you may want to post what patch you're playing on, Stable or Experimental. If you happen to find the answer to your problem I'd appreciate if you let me know in case someone else ends up having the same issue.
  6. Rage VG

    What the F@$k?

    Because then people could use it to escape death in PvP situations which was a massive issue. Welcome to DayZ.
  7. Rage VG

    To the forums moderators and admins.

    Guessing this thread was because his "GAY BUGS" thread got yarded. In a nutshell:
  8. Rage VG

    This patch is littertly game breaking.

    I've had no problem with the devtracker, personally. If it's a reddit post then it typically shows you the post he was replying to as well as all posts replying to his post. My only complaint is that it links EVERYTHING they post and not just DayZ related posts, but that's understandable.
  9. Rage VG

    This patch is littertly game breaking.

    I honestly cannot blame them for rarely posting here. Have you looked at the standard of the posts they'd come here to read? I'm sure that someone would have been more than happy to post to let us know something's being worked on if the majority of the threads weren't either completely useless complaints filled with self-entitlement or filled with posts accusing OP of self-entitlement. Let's look at bug reports (The main thing the devs would be looking for on the forums); On one hand we have people who make completely useless bug reports. "Zombie walked through a wall again. Use some of the money you stole from us to fix it now." ^^^ this is about 40% of the posts I see pertaining to a particular issue. There is NO way to benefit from that knowledge; there are probably dozens of posts about the problem which aren't written by a gigantic asshole. They're just going to attract people who just post memes as responses and mock the OP until the thread is locked for being literally useless. Now if that was the only issue we'd have no problem, we could lock those threads and give warnings to repeat offenders. But of course that isn't all. When people finally post a serious, helpful post, let's say; "I was at X location when suddenly X happened. Before this I was doing X, and now I have X problem. Here are the items I had with me when it happened." That is the sort of post this forum should be filled with at this point as to provide the devs with that information to actually make those patches. But they're still populated with either people dismissing it as "it's alpha" and "Stop whining" or people mocking those posters with "BUT ALPHER THOUGH LOL" which is equally as useless in the grand scheme of things and ultimately the thread crashes and burns (You'd probably notice the same people complain about the lack of mods doing their job, and then once the mods do their job and clean up their stupid posts they complain that mods are nazis or something). And you know that sort of attention would be turned onto the devs in a heartbeat if one of them bothered to post here. There are plenty of other community sites they could post to. I don't see why they'd spend the time to post here instead of elsewhere. If we want the devs to actually see more use in the forum as a means of communication then I believe we'd all need to get our collective shit together. Don't discourage helpful posts by insulting the OP. Stop populating useless threads just to post your maymays and boost your post count (And by "your" I am not specifically referring to you Lumeria but just the community in general). But obviously that isn't going to happen since it's easier to just type "alpher" and then link a picard facepalm/scumbag steve/whatever or something, and thus the community will keep on choking itself. I honestly feel sorry for whatever devs attempt to wade through it. This is also another issue; you don't like something, but you haven't posted to give your input on it (Again not specifically referring to you Lumeria because you may very well have provided input somewhere, but the community as a whole). The idea that "X feature is terrible" just becomes something people randomly complain about because it's bad or randomly draw their own incorrect conclusions on and hurl them around as fact (such as "There is a join timer, therefore the only logical solution is HOLY SHIT DAYZ IS GOING FREEMIUM 100% CONFIRMED GRAB YOUR PITCHFORKS AND TORCHES"), but never bothered to constructively tell us why it's bad, since that would mean they have nothing to feel self-entitled about. And I almost don't blame them for not posting it because they'd have to deal with all of the shit I described above about "lol cry me a river it's alpher" or "this has been posted before (dogeface.png)". We have a DevTracker that will let you view every single post they make on whatever website they're linked to, and redirect you if you wish to read more. It's all in one place, the entire post is located on the forum and you can clearly see which dev posted it, and it's hardly a bother to open up a new tab if you want the full context.
  10. Rage VG

    What is wrong with this community?

    Like I said, they're most likely making sure that people who enjoy the PvP aspect can still do so whilst PvE is workeed on.
  11. Rage VG

    What is wrong with this community?

    PvP is a large aspect of the game and currently working better than PvE. This is just my personal opinion but I believe that they may be trying to ensure that until they can hit the proverbial nail on the head with PvE they will try and give as much freedom for PvP as possible in the meantime. Also I do not understand what this has to do with the community. Plenty of people want better PvE.
  12. Rage VG

    Dear kichilron

    Global bans are not a bug, they are as they say a ban, which is BattlEye's job to deal with. It's not a case of us simply directing you to them because we can't be bothered; we are literally unable to do anything about it. The only way to see a Global ban is to have a Globally Banned CD Key which only happens when the key is used with a player caught hacking. For future reference, please do not create a new thread to continue a thread that was locked for a reason. PM the moderator in question regarding your thread and if an agreement can be reached the original thread can be unlocked. Note that I said that your KEY is globally banned, not you. This means that a malicious program that you have installed stole your key and replaced it with a banned one. Again, this is your responsibility to ensure the safety of your computer, and BattlEye will not unban a CD key that has been caught hacking, even if you weren't hacking with it.
  13. Rage VG

    I'm so lost

    If you don't mind spoiling the whole "Exploration and learning experience" part of it you can use the DayZDB map which will help you identify landmarks, allowing you to check item spawns relative to it. Not recommended as learning it firsthand is part of the fun but that's your choice to make. Same goes for mechanics; the DayZ Wiki should help you understand how the game works but again learning it yourself is part of the fun. Otherwise, knowing your surroundings will come naturally in time so expect to get lost every so often. Just wander around (but don't forget the path you've taken) until you find a place you recognize. Welcome to DayZ.
  14. You need to learn to control those hoes. Sorry, I'll excuse myself now.
  15. Rage VG

    Is there any nice people

    As others have said, a lot of people say "friendly" just so they have a chance at lining up a better shot. That, and anyone who is both friendly and sensible would not approach you. So yes, there are friendly people. Only problem is that they're either dead, or they are there and you just don't know it because they don't reveal themselves. Don't need to take my word for it; look at the forums. Plenty of nice people who would be happy to buddy up with you.
  16. How do you know the title is incorrect if you've never played the build specifically mentioned in said title? And OP is providing feedback that it was a terrible change in their opinion.
  17. Rage VG

    Steam Sharing

    Whilst it says "Family" in the name, almost all of the time Valve makes a post about it they mention "Friends and Family". For example, their official FAQ; However, if you're sharing with friends, it is imperative to know and understand this;
  18. Rage VG

    Meanwhile in Ukraine....

    Yes, it's real.
  19. Rage VG

    [Not a suggestion] Families in DayZ

    Well there's your problem. For real, though, suggestions are for, well, suggestions. If you're looking for discussion, you should head on over to the General Discussion area. I'll move this there for you.
  20. As explained above, Gamehack #38 is not a ban because it's related to an external application which, whilst could be used to gain an advantage in DayZ, also has other applicable uses outside of DayZ and thus not uncommon for players to leave it running without using it, simply because they don't deem it as a cheat device, despite the name. They are kicked with an error code of Gamehack #38 so they can find out what is causing them to get kicked as opposed to outright banning them for this simple error. Also, forgive me for straying slightly off topic here, but I'm beginning to see a trend I don't like; Mountains of hackers posting to claim they were wrongly banned, BattlEye is accused of banning everyone indiscriminately by the community and is considered a trash anti-cheat. One person is not immediately banned for something (which didn't even turn out to be specifically for hacks), BattlEye is not accused of not caring enough to ban any hackers and is considered a trash anti-cheat. ????
  21. So, one morning, my dog was watching out of my bedroom window and saw someone who had the audacity of walking within 10 meters of my house, and decided to give them a piece of her mind. She also decided that it must be done in that precise instant, so she barreled downstairs striking down everything in her path in order to bark at the door at precisely 5AM and not a moment later. My HDMI cable, plugged in to my PC and TV at the time, happened to be in that path. Basically, the cable was ripped clean out. The metal parts were still inside the ports on my TV/PC but the cable was in the hallway. I'm posting just to confirm my suspicion that I couldn't simply just push the metal ends back onto the HDMI cable. Nothing has exactly snapped or ripped or anything, but I don't think it would be as easy as inserting the metal prongs back into the plug end to fix it. My dog is a dick.
  22. Already ordered a new one. Don't worry, next time this happens I'm throwing the puppy in the bin with the cable.
  23. I see you are referring to it as a person. That is probably where you're going wrong. It is a bot. Hence the second syllable in Spambot. It's autonomous, which is why it can post so quickly. An IP address is also pretty easy to change. All it would do is confirm whether or not there are other accounts on that IP that need to be banned too. Fortunately, due to the community's swiftness with reporting it, we're usually able to get them all.
  24. Rage VG


    I moved this to Gallery and fixed the embed for you. Remove the "s" in https in future to embed. ^^
  25. Rage VG

    How do you embed a tweet in the forum?

    Quote the post, then copy the Twitter URL in the comment where the tweet normally is. EDIT: Or, a much easier method as I just noticed, is to click the time on the tweet, directly underneath the text.