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Rage VG

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Everything posted by Rage VG

  1. Rage VG

    I can't spawn

    Well, this sort of sounds like the Unconcious spawning bug, but you say there is no unconcious timer? Are you still given a description of your location upon spawn? I could try and find you on a server and administer First-aid or mercy kill you if you like.
  2. Rage VG

    Question About Hacked Weapons

    Don't forget to hide the body afterwards. You never know. :L
  3. Rage VG

    We Want More Vehicles?

    I personally have found one vehicle that wasn't an ATV or already being driven, and I didn't have the supplies to repair it. I'd like if there were more spawns, but not a 100% chance of spawning on any given location. That way it's a bit harder to hoard them all, and possibly increasing the total amount of vehicles actually going around.
  4. Rage VG

    I'll never quit

    That's great to hear, buddy. There are quite a few unique individuals roaming around, some of them are actually hackers themselves with a sense of fairness. It's always nice to find someone and not get shot at.
  5. Rage VG

    I quit.

    I'm quite concerned as to why you were so dedicated to touching that tree, Rogue. Just let the tree go, man. There's plenty more fish in the sea. Or, er, Trees in the forest.
  6. Rage VG

    I quit.

    You want them to give you (and everyone else) a £25 game for free just because their mod for it isn't flawless? That's like everyone demanding free PS3s from Sony because my PSN comment is hacked. I honestly haven't seen any hackers yet, but what the others said seems likely. You may have been hidden, but he may have seen you firing, or his friend heard you and told the sniper, Revealing your position.
  7. Rage VG

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    I'm not getting the logic behind people's reasons for not wanting a heatmap. (If you're not interested in the heatmap at all, feel free to ignore this post.) -"It'd give people unfair advantages! They will see where people go and kill them!" No, it won't. For the heatmap to be effectively used to kill someone, it would have to show: 1. If they are still there. You can't kill someone who died there, or who isn't logged in. 2. It would have to tell you when they went there. How do you tell the difference in a heat signature if 20 players passed through an area a month ago, and if 10 passed through a month ago and 10 are going there now? or 20 different players all at different times, which is what's going to happen? There isn't. 3. It would have to show you what server. Okay, by some miracle you might go to a quiet area that someone might be in. Are you really going to log into every server finding someone when you could just go to a place where you already know people are? No, that would be stupid and impractical. 4. There would still need to be a moderate amount of activity there anyway. For it to even register on a heatmap of give-or-take a million players, People will need to at least moderately pass through that area anyway, which hardly increases the amount of people picking that area to PvP because of the minimap. 5. It'd have to show what goes through there. The heatmap is only showing player locations. So nobody is going to single out an area because people happen to hide their vehicles there. Given even only these five points, You can conclude that the odds of finding someone through a heatmap are smaller than the odds of hitting someone across the NW airfield. With a Makarov. And a broken leg. -"But people will go to the quiet spots, and I'm camping in one!" Once again, How many servers are there? What are the odds that someone is going to pick the exact same spot as you out of the hundreds of potential spots, and also be in the same server? Also take away the number of people who aren't immediately hostile because believe it or not they do exist, and you can easily assume that your hiding spot is not going to be any more obvious than it was before. -"But it would ruin the fun of the game/the immersion/atmosphere for me!" Then don't look at the heatmap. If you don't want to know where people go out of interest, then don't know. But who are you to decide if everyone else wants to know? Most people wouldn't even factor in the knowledge provided by the heatmap when playing. I'm not going to remember that roughly 3% of players have passed along that small dirt path between Pustoshka and Rogovo recently. People already know not to go to the Airfield, Cherno/Elektro if they plan on avoiding players, and a heatmap wouldn't emphasise that at all. -"But a hacker will use it to find people!" Hackers can teleport themselves to you, and you to them. Why would they need a heatmap? All in all, there are far more reasons FOR a Heatmap than against, purely because there are already much easier ways of finding people already, and you are not forced to look at it if you don't want to. As far as you're concerned, the heatmap doesn't even exist as it has zero impact on gameplay.