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Rage VG

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Everything posted by Rage VG

  1. Rage VG

    How do you embed a tweet in the forum?

    Simply click on the "Details" button to take you to a page with just the tweet, then simply copy the URL and paste.
  2. Rage VG

    One word

    It's not a case of "Hurr we can't imagine what a sewer would be like", it's more like "Is this guy going to suggest something new related to sewers or is it just another thread that would contribute nothing to previous suggestions" like others have pointed out. Anyway, sewers would be an interesting idea especially when/if bacterial infections become a big thing.
  3. Rage VG

    2 Questions

    No, and no. 1. There are no free demos of DayZ, thus the only way to gain access to the alpha would be to support the project through the Early Access system or if you have family sharing access to a user who currently owns DayZ (Note that Family Sharing restrictions will apply as outlined in the ToS), so someone's going to have to pay at some point. 2. I wouldn't personally consider DayZ an MMO as MMOs typically have one or a few instances for many players (More than what DayZ allows) to share. Either way, I honestly doubt a subscription model will be a thing.
  4. Oookay, joke's over now, let's stick to the subject at hand. (sans the warning point)
  5. Probably a tongue-in-cheek reference to how many "global ban plz help" threads we get here.
  6. Rage VG

    Dear Dean....

    Heaven forbid you use that brain you're using to produce unreasonable amounts of sarcasm to deduce that you need to provide some information to allow anyone to work on a fix. In case you weren't aware, computers are machines that function on information.I'm farly certain Dean will not be able to magically fix it by throwing stacks of money from that budget at his computer in order to conjur a magical fix, but perhaps if instead, and hear me out with this one as it's a bit of a stretch, instead of you were to give us, for example, information about the problem you want them to fix, as opposed to heaping amounts of self-entitlement and attempts at being witty, we would be one step closer to the incredible wonderland that is constructive feedback which will serve as a pillar that holds up the bridge to that playable game we all want so badly. But I understand, being constructive takes effort, and simply telling someone to "fix it" is much, much easier. It allows us to act as clever as we think we are! Not like those chumps being helpful or that rubbish. Losers, Am I right?
  7. Rage VG

    How many have you killed and why ?

    During my brief playtime, zero. I play as a medic. If confronted I'd incapacitate, disarm, then apply first aid. I've not had to do that yet, though.
  8. To Inception. Hai. P.S: @OP, can I give you an "I.O.U One (1) Beans"? I just ate my last one.
  9. Rage VG

    With Rocket starting his new studio

    I think it doesn't matter what HE had hoped the game comes out as at the end of the line; as long as it comes out fully functioning and as we expected it, we can't really demand more from him. Things have to end some time. If Rocket wants to end his work on DayZ, it shouldn't matter why; he's allowed to move on. You can't claim that the main reason people bought DayZ were because of Rocket's enthusiasm. A lot of people buy it because it's a really damn good game. It's been out for a very short time in alpha and with exception to the expected few bugs it's progressing greatly. Ultimately, I don't feel his ambitions for the game or even lack thereof in certain aspects should really have an impact on what others perceive of the game as it's ultimately not going to affect development. Wait, let me fix that. wtf bro u a WorZ fan er summit? sware on me mum jus fook off ennit. Okay, that hurt my brain. Remind me not to do that again.
  10. Rage VG

    With Rocket starting his new studio

    You're saying the fact that he's eventually going to stop working on something damages his credibility? What, you want him to work on it into his senior years or something? He is going to take the game to completion as he is obliged to do and what he does beyond that point is literally 100% irrelevant to DayZ. He's not shutting down the project; he's not going to leave things unfinished. What he owes us is a finished game and absolutely nothing more. And he still has a year to do it, and he's already said he'll stay longer if he needs to.
  11. Rage VG

    With Rocket starting his new studio

    It's odd how every time I see one of these threads, the part where he says that he's not going to leave DayZ's production until it's finished is omitted. From the Eurogamer article on the subject; Essentially, he's not going to just go "Well I'd love to fix loot spawns but I'm off".
  12. Rage VG

    control realism

  13. Rage VG

    Is DayZ for me?

    Then no. Whilst there are aspects to DayZ that aren't zombie-centered, it still wouldn't make sense to drop money on a game that's core focus is on something you do not like. Not only are there better alternative ArmA mods for someone who isn't an avid zombie horror fan, but overall simply other games with a similar concept but not based in a zombie apocalypse. Personal opinion. Nonetheless, I welcome you to our forums.
  14. Rage VG

    Can i run DayZ on my computer?

    Looks similar to mine, so I doubt it'll be pretty.
  15. Rage VG

    Siege of Elektro - NODE

    The NODE team tweeted out their location and challenged everyone to come and kill them, as a way for people to get "payback" if they weren't happy that the NODE team were playing as bandits. From the video description: "Since a lot of you guys seemed angry that we were living out our bandit lives, we decided to give all of you a chance to murder us. We tweeted out our location and character images and put a price on our own heads. The Rules: We were each carrying a secret note. Anyone who could kill us and retrieve the note would win a Steam Game."
  16. Rage VG

    Siege of Elektro - NODE

    Ladies, I've already grown tired of arguments in this thread. Please, if you want to babble more about whether these guys are "true gamers" or just "fame whores" than take it to a Private Conversation. This thread is for discussion about the event. EDIT: And part two:
  17. Rage VG

    Siege of Elektro - NODE

    To say that "You don't put advertise" would imply you could totally stick adverts on and earn some form of feasible income from it, which is hilarious. Everyone in NODE has their own separate channels which have existed LONG before NODE: As you can probably see, even with NODE, they have millions of subscribers between them, Subscribers who know who they are because of their non-gaming videos, and like them as people. So why, in any form of logic, would they need to garner fame through NODE, which: Doesn't even have a million? Honestly, what sense does that make? Their videos are monetized because it is their job. They put effort into them because that is their main source of income. It doesn't matter whether they love the game or not, what matters is the quality of the video and the amount of people it entertains. I say again; these people are NOT "Let's Players". Their channel isn't for "just gameplay"; because there are a million and one different channels out there that do "just gameplay".
  18. Rage VG

    Siege of Elektro - NODE

    Yes, because five minutes of you shooting random people with broken English Bold Arial text and what I'm assuming is a copyright-free audio-swap track is just the utmost pinnacle of quality. How foolish of me to assume otherwise.
  19. Rage VG

    Siege of Elektro - NODE

    Five emoticons is the cap.
  20. Rage VG

    Siege of Elektro - NODE

    So in other words, "Not top-quality, professional game-play, therefore it is shit"? NODE is not a group of Lets Players. They are a group of Entertainers and Gamers. They have never aimed to put up completely perfect expert game-play. Look at any of their other videos; it's very rarely they even play online, and when they do they are typically making an event to break away from the core game-play to entertain. If all you're after is footage of people killing each other, there's about a million other videos that'll tickle your fancy. For a start, of course they're not going to be moving around. What else does the word "Seige" say to you? Do you expect all four of them to completely shut off the entire town after encouraging everyone to come and kill them? I also find it hilariously ironic that you're saying that the video is just an "ego massage", and then immediately follow it up with "hurr hurr he missed his shots but I would kill so many people because I'm so cool you guys". No egotism there, am I right? And the reason it "cuts away" is because people watch their videos for them just as much as they are for the game. But no, heaven forbid someone creates a video that isn't "BIG GUN MAN SHOOTER PERSON SHOOTS OTHER BIG GUN MAN SHOOTER PEOPLE (HARDCORE MLG)" and instead tries to have a bit of fun with their video games. There's 4 of them, and at least twice that on the server. Also, at the end it seems that one of the other members of NODE that wasn't part of those 4 joined in the hunt for them.
  21. Rage VG

    Siege of Elektro - NODE

    I could be misinterpreting what they said, mind. They only make passing mention of the server, after noticing someone called "Niko is a Bitch" joined. Did you even watch the video? They speak about the event for like the first 2 or 3 minutes so we know what's going on, after that it's all squad chat, with occasional mention of things that aren't strictly in-game. If that's not enough game for you then I don't know what is.
  22. Rage VG

    Siege of Elektro - NODE

    I believe they said they had rented out a server, but apart from that, no idea.
  23. Rage VG

    Musical instruments?

    Would be neat, but as you said, certainly needs to be low priority.
  24. Rage VG

    Thinking of taking a short break.

    Still holding off on TLOU due to finances, and I'm not much of a fan of KZ3 myself. inFAMOUS is awesome, though.
  25. Rage VG

    Thinking of taking a short break.

    Don't force yourself to play a game you're not currently enjoying, my man. We're not going anywhere; Kick back with some other sweet games and hop back on DayZ when the mood strikes you. Who knows, there could be some nice stuff waiting for you when you get back.