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Rage VG

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Everything posted by Rage VG

  1. Rage VG

    Using your Gun in Vehicles

    I understand, and agree. But that simply doesn't mean we can discuss what we please here. Over-discussed or otherwise, the thread still has a topic, and we must respect that or just check out another thread. Besides, hasn't the subject of whether Goo0gle is a troll or not also been discussed to death?
  2. Rage VG

    Using your Gun in Vehicles

    Surprisingly Goo0gle is correct this time. This thread isn't about whether Goo0gle is a troll or not. As if it wasn't obvious. Please keep to the topic at hand. If you don't find the topic worthy of discussion, post in another topic that you do find worthy.
  3. This is a better "KoS" post than most of other ones, simply because you're looking to encourage co-operation, not discourage solo play.
  4. But what you would say and what someone else would say are different. If they want to choose the easy way, that's their prerogative. You cannot dictate how people play this game and what they find enjoyable. You might find the looting fun (The "early game"), whereas I might find it boring, and prefer the nights hunting in the forests (The "mid game"), and someone else might just want to get straight to NWAF for some gunfight (The "end game"). Some might want full immersion from the game, others might just want to hang around with some friends and shoot zombies. You can't tell them to play a different game, they have just as much right to play and have paid just as much as you have. When it comes to people knowing all of the latest tricks, as far as you're concerned, SOMEONE has to have known about it for there to to a tutorial in the first place, so it could be the guy you're facing for all you know. Also, tutorials and guides are far, far different from exploits and glitches.
  5. And I retort to you, good sir; Don't look at them.
  6. Rage VG

    Are there still a lot of hackers?

    Some people don't want to have to go through that procedure.
  7. Rage VG

    Are there still a lot of hackers?

    Private-hives and whitelisted servers have certainly pegged down the number of hackers we hear of.
  8. Rage VG

    Help a new YouTuber

  9. Rage VG

    Best Antivirus ?

    Oh god please don't get me started on how you could be in the middle of a game and then all of a sudd- GODDAMNIT AVAST I WAS IN THE MIDDLE OF SOMETHING. DOES SILENT/GAMING MODE MEAN NOTHING TO YOU?!?!
  10. I could sorta tell, but on something that could be genuinely offensive I didn't want to assume you weren't serious. hey fack yoo fight me irl noscopes
  11. My insomnia is not caused by the site. I get 3 or 4 hours sleep regularly, whether I'm here or not. And that still doesn't change the fact there are like 6 or 7 other admins who are online when I'm not, and do a better job than I do.
  12. You just did a 180 on my post. I said that the context in which those words "Kill Yourself" were used was the only context in which it was funny. In case you missed it, the context was that G00gle was looking for someone to fight and possibly kill him in-game, so Inception proposed he fought and killed himself, in-game. There's really no true malice to that, and thus there was no morality to outweigh the humor.
  13. There's always an admin online. My computer is right next to my bed, and I'm a hermit AND an insomniac. So I usually get to sink like 16+ hours into the computer a day and I always have the DayZ forums open in one tab. If it says I'm offline at the bottom, it just means I haven't refreshed my page in the last 15 minutes, or if I'm actually not there, there's almost certainly another staff member online.
  14. This is the ONLY context that these words are ever funny. And oh god how funny that is.
  15. The fact you believe you are eligible for admin because you beat a random person at the game is proof enough you are not eligible for admin.
  16. Rage VG

    Best Antivirus ?

    Up until recently I believed Avast! but it suddenly started choking out my computer's internet connection. I couldn't load up any webpage, but the second I disabled the shields, it was fine. When they came back on, it died again. Odd.
  17. Rage VG

    Hi just got this game,but it won't play

    As stated above, you have been global-banned by BattlEye. We have no control over it at all. If you did hack (as an account on a prominent hacking site may suggest) then do not waste your time with BattlEye. No mercy.
  18. Rage VG

    Community Question

    Crackpot hit the nail on the head. To shun any form of actions actively tolerated (Not accepted or liked, but tolerated) by the game is to go against what DayZ stands for.
  19. Rage VG

    Should be finally joining tomoz.

    If you're in the market for nothing but the DayZ experience; I'd personally say no. Buying two games just for a mod doesn't seem like a good idea to me regardless, let alone when the full game is in the works. However, if you think you might enjoy ArmA 2 even a little, then go for it because it is a beautiful game and mountains of fun, even without DayZ.
  20. Rage VG

    My Thread Was Deleted For No Reason

    I'm looking into this. I'm sure there was just a breakdown in communication as threads aren't just deleted for no good reason. EDIT: And a solution has been achieved. It was largely a misunderstanding. Things are being sorted ^^ Remember folks, just shine my signal into the clouds if you need me :3
  21. You cannot be global banned for anything besides directly hacking or attempting to hack. Taking out of crates is 'fine' (although it ruins the point of the game) if you didn't spawn it in.
  22. Rage VG

    Why does crap like this exist?

    Oh. Guess the jokes on me since I missed the joke. >.<
  23. Rage VG

    Why does crap like this exist?

    I'm going to hope you don't mean my typo (Worth = World) and let's just say there was a lady in my old school who one day heard me make a joke about the world being flat, stared at me and said "You mean it isn't? How come people don't fall off the bottom?", as well as a lady on my Killing Floor server tell me that I speak good English because I'm English (Even though I'm not) but since I'm not American I can't speak American. Both of these people were dead serious.