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About Scazza

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  1. Scazza

    Hitler Reacts to Hackers in DayZ

    Thanks for the replies, the views and all the beans!!!
  2. Scazza

    Hitler Reacts to Hackers in DayZ

    Not sure why the title has starred out 'Hackers'. I have posted this from my phone so that maybe an odd reason! Thanks for the beans :)
  3. After seeing an increase in hackers & incidents of hacking I thought I'd put this together!
  4. Sorry that I haven't been able to get back to some of you, I will try and do that today! As for yesterday, it was an awesome day! We managed to get a group of 7 of us together, all on skype & we met in Tulgar. We played for over 5 hours going from Tulgar > Elektro > Balota > Stary Sober > North West Airfield. We then started to head to Berezino however a coupe guys camp had been hacked. We also started to encounter an hacker who killed one of the guys, he then made one of the groups character dance & brought in some parachuting cows! At this point we all aborted and called it a day!
  5. Well I've sent out a few requested on Skype, I'm going to log in and play now, just accept my request & hopefully we can sort out meeting up in game. Hope to enjoy the DayZ experience with others!
  6. Well if we add each other on Skype I'm sure we can arrange something. My Skype handle is 'ScazzMan'. I'll add people who post their Skype handles in this post.
  7. Just posted a similar thread! Looking for a group (non clan) to run with! I have a mic, a decent brain on me and I am 25! I'll add you to steam! (tried to add you but can't find you, only found a 'Master Sargent Killer killea'?!
  8. Me too! It's so annoying! I don't want to join a clan, where I am expected to play every night and commit too! Just looking for people who play for fun & want to run with!
  9. I've been playing DayZ solo for a while now and it's getting slightly boring. I can't be assed to go through all these recruitment processes of telling people why they should choose me, I just want to play the game with a group of people who use mic's and make the game more enjoyable. I am Friendly & have only shot one other person with my current survivor because he fired at me first. I am from the UK & play at plenty of different times throughout the day & night. Add me on Steam 'Scazza'. Thanks
  10. Scazza

    I am a Survivor (Official)

    Saw the dayzdevteam tweet this last night. It instantly became my favourite DayZ video out there! Really looking forward to the next episode!
  11. I'm looking to join a group of players to play DayZ with. Im from the UK and currently have been playing solo. I have a headset so can communicate, let me know if you are still looking for people.
  12. Scazza

    Stuck on Loading Screen

    Bump as I had this problem all last night. No matter what server I tried it would get past the 'setup complete' and then would get stuck on the 'loading' screen.