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Everything posted by afcbw12

  1. hi i need sticks to fix my mates leg and he has a mosin with a scope that he will give to whoever brings him sticks to the balota airfield watchtower skype: bryanbryanwright
  2. im 18 uk im bored of playing on my own if your intested let me know
  3. BRYAN AND CO. TRADING COMPANY I am hot a hacker i have found all my weapons in the game from dead bodies and tents and i have a camp with 8 tents which i store all my stuff in i play by myself all day wondering around and killing zombies, im looking for a clan or some people to play with because it gets lonely out in the wild. The guns i have for trade are: AKM AK-74 AKS-74 KOBRAS AKS-74u Bizon pp-9 SD L85A2 AWS M4A3 CCO M4A1 CCO SD M4A1 Holo lee Enfield FN FAL - Mk 48 Mod 0 - DMR M14 AIM M24 SVD CAMO AS50 AS50 AWS - G17 X3 M9 SD X2 PDW PDW SD AND some satchel charges x2 i also found 2 hacked weapons which are: G36c m40a3 camo LOOKING FOR M107, M16, m1014 and mp5 or anything i dont have add me on skype if interested: bryanbryanwright cheers for your time :)
  4. afcbw12

    [TRADE] loads of guns and items for swap

    ok i will do it i dont care about fair just the guns i already have a as50 so i want to get all the guns like you said msg me on skype
  5. afcbw12

    [TRADE] loads of guns and items for swap

    already got that sorry
  6. afcbw12

    [TRADE] loads of guns and items for swap

    someones already asked for it so cheers for the luck
  7. I HAVE A SELECTION OF GUNS IM WILLING TO TRADE FOR SOMTHING BETTER IM IN ELEKTRO BTW!!!! i have; AKM AK 74 Kobras AK 74U M24 DMR AS50 M14 M4 LSA80 TWS SACHEL CHARGES PDW M9SD 20+ blood bags coyote backpack the best one range finders gps tool kit looking for svd camo top prority otherewise anything i dont have add me on skype; bryanbryanwright
  8. afcbw12

    new squad UK

    im starting a new squad of people to play dayz im bored of playing by myself so if anyone's interested add me on skype: bryanbryanwright must have mic and be mature i like to have a laugh but not 12 year old jokes
  9. couldnt add you on skype add me : bryanbryanwright
  10. afcbw12

    Traders and Traitors

    traded with "jackie chan" everything went fine +1 http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/user/46804-jackie-chan/
  11. im up for it add bryanbryanwright on skype
  12. afcbw12

    [TRADE] Looking for an M4A1 CCO SD

    i will trade for as50 how many mags with it? skype: bryanbryanwright