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About tomlijones

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  1. Hi guys, my name is Tom, Iam 20 years old and from Germany. I play DayZ since 3 months now and looking for a new challenge, so I want to start playing on a hardcore server. This means no 3th person and crosshairs. I just tried it out a bit, but I not very used to it atm, because I allways played in 3th person. I like to play when it is dark, so you should like that too. You should be from europe and having no problem that my english isnt perfect. Just write me a pm here :)
  2. tomlijones

    Scariest moments in DayZ?

    Today I feel to start on a server with server which has 3th person deactivated. I spawned near berenzino so I decided to start there. Looted the whole city without seeing or hearing something (it was night). I was at the last apartment I wanted to loot before I would have went to the military tents. So I went down the stairs and suddenly someone with a mk48 shot at me nearly a full magazine, my display turns white, because he was right in front of me.
  3. tomlijones

    why is this so erratic?

    It seems that youve started on different NonHive Server. I use the DayZCommander to join games, there you can make favorite servers and easy see these who arrent attachted to the hive. I play on one NonHive Server since 1 month only. These NonHive Server are not connected to every other servers (sometimes they are conntected to 1-2 other servers). On the offical websites it says 1 hours and 5 minutes averages life expectancy, so what did you expect?
  4. tomlijones

    How exactly is this game fun?

    I got nearly the same feeling in 1 game. Diablo 2 Hardcore PvP
  5. tomlijones

    Good places to build a base

    So we got a new base record now :). We lost our UAZ due to a hacker, but I found a pickup and a motorbike. Hopefully our camp will exist some more days so we can gather some more stuff and maybe get a helicopter someday.
  6. tomlijones

    Good places to build a base

    So our new camp is set up, I hope it will be there at least one week. How long does your camps usually exist?
  7. tomlijones

    Good places to build a base

    We are playing on a "hive" of 3 servers which are locked to 24 players. At daytime there are usually 15-24 players online and at nightime about 10. I wrote you a pm, would be nice if you have some cool spots for me:)
  8. Hey, we are 3 players actually which play together since 4 days. I having big luck with finding cars atm, so we always got atleast one. We liked the idea of having a base, we started up 2 the last 4days, but they got raided after 2 days, our base we build yesterday got raided today. We dont know now if we are just building our bases at to obvious places. Our first camp we set up in the west of vybor on a hill. It seems very safe because it is not a route players would usally take. After this got raided I found a fresh spawned car near there and we planed to build our second camp in the east of olsha at the sea, which got raided today after the server restart (patch 1.7.3) Luckly I found a UAZ I flipped near our camp, as we see them raiding our camp we had to wait, we were just 2 and chance to kill them was not very high. So we waited for a server restart and took our UAZ. We are searching for a good place to set up our next camp. I thought about placing single tents all over the map so we dont lose everything once, but we like the idea of having a camp just for the RP lol. So does anyone have a got place to start up a new camp? It seems that we have at least one group on our server that effectivly searching for other players camp. Iam not a native english speaker, so sry for my mistakes.
  9. tomlijones

    Best day in DayZ

    Me and my friend started to go to the NE Airfield with our UAZ I found freshly spawned yesterday. On the way we found a Ural we took with us. After checking the NE Airfield, checking some car spawns and fueling up in berezino we thought it is good to stop for today and going back to our base. On the way back I drove a bit to fast and crashed against a tree. There was no way to took our gear, because it immediately started to burn. Disappointed we were driving back and found 2 heli crashsites which gave me a DMR and my friend got a FAL + some spare guns we put in the Ural. For us it was one of the best days, because nobody of us died (which happens nearly everyday :D ), we found some nice gear. We only need ghillesuits and night visions.
  10. tomlijones

    Looking for group members.

    1. Name, age and where you're from: Tom, 20, Germany (my english is far away from perfect) 2. Experimence (How long you play, and what you've done so far): Played together with a reallife friend, getting some vehicles to work and building a small camp 3. Pref. role (Like (LM)Gunner, Engineer (taking care of vehicles) Spotter, Assault ect.: I would like to play as a sniper, but never had a chance to get used to it (watched some videos, shot at some zombies lol :D) 4. Skypename (We use skype only for now.): Tomlijones 5. Why would I pick you?: Because I am a patient guy which I think is good for a group, playing like rambo could be funny when you playing alone, but in a group it will get your whole group in danger. 6: What are you? Survivor (Neutral, tries to communicate or just ignore) Hero (Always tries to help and be friendly) Bandit ('Nuff Said): I would like to play as a Hero, but sometimes it is a pain in my ass to not hit the trigger. 7. Activity (how many days/hours a week do you play?): at least 3 per day 8. Add something yourself. (I probably forgot something): I rly would like to start on a hive server and building a new camp, I don't like to get equiped with all of the stuff without doing something on my own.
  11. Hi iam new to this server and Iam looking for someone to play with. It seems like I played on a vilayerserver before, because I got a character with a ghillie suit, a revolver and a lee enfield (i know not very good gear lol). I like do explore so maybe you should not only want to camp near the coast. As I joined the server I found another ghillie suit so if you play with me I don't mind give it to you. Iam from germany and my english isnt perfect at all. If this doesnt bother you would be cool if you message me or post on this thread. I don't care if you correct me I guess that would help me get better at english.