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About KillerSparton13

  • Rank
    On the Coast

Contact Methods

  • Skype

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Arvada, Colorado USA
  • Interests
    Day Z, Minecraft, Borderlands, Arma II, Terraria, Tf2, BF3, and Halo Reach and Halo Wars.

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  • Bio
    You can also email me at matthewhays.117@gmail.com or message me on XBL KillerSparton13.
  1. KillerSparton13

    Looking for new players to join our group.

    Im 14 and had the game for 2 months now and got tired of playing alone because my friends are jackasses and would like to join my skype name is kila_matthew. Let me know! :)