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About dezzy

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. dezzy

    9 Dayz Ideas

    gee, you sure have some shitty ideas
  2. dezzy

    Loving this game.

    Do you even go outside? :/
  3. dezzy

    Loving this game.

    do u even lift
  4. dezzy

    Arm the infected.

    OH this is stupid
  5. dezzy

    Spawning in unconscious

    get hit by a zombie when you wakee up
  6. dezzy

    Bandit Forum

    if someones not KoSing me and i'm talking to them i always move around a lot side to side etc, also he was pinpointing your skull for the whole 40 seconds lol
  7. dezzy

    Giving away all my stuff!

    are you really giving away that garbage ?
  8. dezzy

    My start to Dayz

    stop trying to be friendly trololol , won't work .
  9. dezzy

    Bandit masks?

    yes if you kill 3 maybe 4 people you'll get the skin.
  10. dezzy

    Spawned a NPC of myself?

    not the same glitch then
  11. dezzy

    Dayz Lag

    It may just be your computer, but try this. Step 1: Go into your "My Documents" folder. Step 2: Open "ArmA 2" folder. Step 3: Look for the following lines in ArmA2.cfg, ArmA2OA.cfg, and any other ArmA versions you have. GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1000; GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=3; Step 4: Change them to: GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1; GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=1;
  12. dezzy

    Need Medic was AMBUSHED!!!

    are you sure you didn't get shot irl