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About Letten

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  1. This forum can't help me, maybe they will
  2. Letten

    How do I delete my character?

    Nope I am playing on the Regular and all problems I had on regular, Battleye also kicks me only from regular, while hardcore works just fine I have reinstalled the game, validated local content and manually updated battleye but nothing helps.
  3. It appears that on my ID are two alive characters at the same time. After a server restart I lost all my gear and I was just another freshspawn. I played for a bit, but when I reentered the game I had my old stuff back. Next time I had it lost again. However now I can't play more than 20 sec before battle eye kicks me out. Nothing of that happens on hardcore servers. I think it is because there is a conflict with my ID since there are two alive chars. How do I delete them?
  4. Letten

    How to get fullscreen?

    com on, people help me out here.
  5. Letten

    C-130J plane

    Imagine this, your radio starts giving you coordinates for some random point in map and an hour later a transport plane C-130J fly all across the map and drops cargo at the mentioned point. There is food, meds ammo and rare weapons now somewhere in the middle of nowhere. Everybody saw the plane...now the race has begun! Good luck!
  6. Letten

    Possible New Member

    The community is great here. All my friend here I met in the servers, so don't worry if at first you'll be a lone wolf. Most people starts out that way. And yest it IS worth it. Besides you are not just buying 1 game, you get two! Arma and DayZ :D.
  7. Letten

    Anyone want to group up and play?

    in what server U play?
  8. It seems this game is lacking objectives. If this game is taking inspiration from S.T.A.L.K.E.R. then then how about some kinda difficult to reach center of the Zone. Impossible to reach without well equipped team. Or some smaller ''quests'' like distress calls, or underground bunkers.
  9. The game is set is Eastern EU. There are no black people over there, I should know I live there.
  10. Letten

    Takistan map?

    That's just...wow. WHERE DID YOU FIND THIS?