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Everything posted by Phred0804

  1. 1) List ALL of your ailments and the Medical supplies you need to fix them: Illness- Antibiotics Low blood due to illness- blood bag Food/Water appreciated 2.) Location North-northeast of Cherno (I have exact coordinates, can PM or Skype) 4,) Skype preferred- next time I will be on will be this Sunday approx. 4pm GMT -5. Can give co-ords through skype before then. skype: phred.pelzer Thanks in advance! Phred
  2. Phred0804

    Let's have a vote about M4s

    M4A1 CCO SD Suppressed weapon master race. One of these out while looking to get a position on any hostile, with a scoped rifle in the pack, is perfect for attracting zero attention while eliminating Zeds that block your path, or the occasional bandit that stumbles a little too close to your vantage point.
  3. Phred0804

    Tell about your first kill.

    Well... I was playing in a well-populated server, tooling around cherno as a *nearly* fresh spawn... I knew there were bandits just about everywhere, judging by the smattering of corpses in the square... I made my way, half "edging" and half sprinting to the Fire Station to find myself a better piece than this Makarov... cautious of the tents/wire spammed in the station, (alas, empty), I made my way up the stairs... I dropped my trusty hatchet for an AK-74, and made my way to the tents. On my way there, I hear voices of Direct and bursts from an AK, and the occasionally "snap" of an As-50 bullet cruising by. I gathered some blood bags and some morphine as well as an ALICE Pack, and another Makarov, which I placed with a few mags in the pack, as I planned for new-spawn friends to join. I made my way to a Cafe' in the centre, keeping my weapon lowered, hoping for diplomacy in such a war-torn area, when I hear someone moving about upstairs. "I'm downstairs, armed, and friendly", I say, making sure to enunciate... even now I felt like a 7.62 couldn't stop a Zed... "Friendly" they say over Chat; "Need blood"... So I did what any good Samaritan would do... I went up, noting that he was unarmed, and was most likely nicked from from cross-fire or one of the infamous "One-Hit Bleeder" Zeds. I patch him up, blood 'im, and tell him to follow me, and stay close. Low and thus far incognito, we move in line outside, I stop to survey the area, I notice 2 things. 1.) A fresh dead body outside the cafe' and 2.) No Zeds. That being the case, I quickly, and thankfully accurately deduced that the perpetrator drew off the Zeds with the fire while nailing that bandit. "Score one for Karma" I note to myself. Snapping out of my "Must check every facet of the environment" daze, I told the guy over direct: "Listen carefully, reach in my pack, take the Makarov, don't shoot unless they're looking at us"- He begins opening my backpack as I raise my weapon, now regretting my decision to do this in the open. Third person mode saved my ass as I hear the oh-so familiar "Pop" of the Makarov... as the 9mm cartridge explodes behind my head... three or four times... my memory isn't so good after this.. The guy who's ass I just saved and armed was killing me unsuccessfully, cursing to myself, I swung around, firing my AK full-auto as I went, maybe 6 missing en route, and the remaining 24 sinking into his torso, blood gushing, he goes down. "Fuck" I swear at him, knowing he can hear me, "Asshole". I bandage myself up... shaking from shock and pain... and shock as realization creeps in... my precious 3000 Humanity now read -700, and my murders, for the first time read "1". I realize I shouldn't have been so trusting... but what kind of dumbass pulls that shit on a guy who outguns you, and just risked his ass to save you. So guy who's name I cannot remember, nor which server, if you *happen* to be reading this by some comical fate I only have one thing to say. Fuck. You.
  4. Phred0804

    Looking for medic wingmen

    Pm'd / added
  5. Hi! I just walked from Cherno up to NEAF without a GPS (got lost a few times), and I'm looking for a quicker way back, down to Cherno or Kamenka/Komorovo area. Heli is preferred, as it's a tad safer than a car, but honestly any assistance would be greatly appreciated! I'm all by myself and just want a quick lift. Idk what is worth trading for that... but I have some STANAG SD rounds if you're interested, as well as a M4A1 that I'd part with. Thanks! Phred Never mind. Stumbled into the wrong hacker's duped stash. GGWP, sniper. /lock/delete/whatever
  6. Phred0804

    Need an extraction!

    1.) No way, I would never do that 2.) doesn't matter- got killed :P
  7. Phred0804

    Looking for German Players

    Muss man ehrlich "deutsch" sein? Wenn ich nur Deutscher wär...
  8. Phred0804


    I'd be interested in helping out. I have a mic and have a decent pack for hauling medical stuff around.
  9. Phred0804

    Trading outpost

    I would also be in to provide security. (I'm sure this looks shady as fuck since I just joined the forums, but I'd really like to lend a helping hand). Steam: phredman0804 Email: phred.pelzer94@gmail.com