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Everything posted by isurviveit

  1. Just looking for a few peple to play with, add my skype: jayden.mcgrath I am 18, and i would prefer you to be 15+ but if not ohwell.
  2. Hey guys, im jayden. yes im new to the dayz forums BUT not new to dayz. i saw a post by a guy named ratcliff and it gave me an idea to do the same thing on an australian server for those who cant play other country servers. I would like to make a safe zone aswell, but in vybor. Yes i know people will say its a bad idea but its not for securing loot. its pretty much to escort new players through the airfield and stary sobor. Plus to supply food to players in need and medical supplies. if we can get a chopper to fly to hospitals and to other good loot areas to do raids for supplies. i have people who are keen that have cars and URAL TRANSPORT truck. But just so you guys no bandits will not be tolerated, they will be shot on sight. and i know there will be hackers but really theres nothing i can do about that. this is just for abit of fun and to just help people out, if theres a hacker then theres a hacker. i just wanna do something new. post skype if your interested or pm me it. if people wanna help out wire, bear traps and tank traps would be great. just remember its just for fun and to help out. thank you for your time.
  3. isurviveit

    WTT [looking for Nightvision Goggles and Ghillie]

    ill trade you ghillie and nvgs. also what do you want for the car?
  4. isurviveit

    Aussie Team Mate.. ?

    add me on skype. im friendly and have hero skin and i roll with about 4 other people. you can join us skype: jayden.mcgrath
  5. isurviveit

    looking for a australia group

    yo add me on skype man, jayden.mcgrath
  6. SKYPE: jayden.mcgrath playing US servers. there is 3 of us and hero skinned.
  7. isurviveit

    Looking for FN Fal, M240 or Mk48

    i want 2 tents and ill give you fn fal and grenades?
  8. isurviveit

    Buying NVG's and a silenced weapon

    ill give you a m4a1 cco sd (5 mags). with nvgs. for a l85 with 5 mags if you have that.
  9. isurviveit

    DayZ "bin config.bin/cfgweapons"

    play online? singleplayer isnt even ment to exist yet.
  10. isurviveit


    willing to trade m4a1 sd with mags. rangefinder, nvgs. and a AS50
  11. l85. and ill give a coyote backpack.
  12. isurviveit


    US server?
  13. HEY GUYS. add me on skype if interested. jayden.mcgrath
  14. isurviveit


    hey guys, i really need a sniper im over machine guns. im trading a M249 saw with 7 full mags. for a M24 sniper with 2 DMR clips. or a DMR with 4 clips.
  15. isurviveit

    Dayz Trading Post

    you guys got a dmr? or a m24
  16. isurviveit

    DMR+Mags for Assault Rifles

    ill trade you a m249 saw with 8 full 200round mags. for the dmr with atleast 5 mags
  17. i need a team guys, i already have a few people i play with and were well equiped :) we want more people! tell me your skype and ill see what happens.
  18. isurviveit

    Close calls with bandits?

    just the another night, me and my mate rasmus, we where at the NW airfield. we where pretty well equiped. i had m4a1 cco with atleast a dozen mags. and a ghillie. well we where at far top barracks and we started taking fire, and it was night. we couldnt see anything only flashes from 2 akms. i was shot and very low on blood. We went prone into a hanger and waited. then all of a sudden i saw a flash and i was killed. lol but my mate got all my stuff and ran for ages to bor to meet me haha.
  19. hey guys, do you'se have any spare stanag clips, im running low ill bring medical supplies for the trade
  20. im so down! if i have ghillie suit, is that problem?
  21. isurviveit

    enyone wanna team

    i ment like, what country
  22. isurviveit

    enyone wanna team

    what servers?
  23. im looking for a good team or a just any player, noob or a good player. i prefer: you to be atleast over 15 and play australian servers AU, ANZ or new zealand servers NZ tell me skype address and must have a mic. my skype is: jayden.mcgrath i am 18. and a good player
  24. isurviveit

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    all of them.