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About nomadyow

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  1. nomadyow

    Removing Grass for fps

    This was in the last stable patch: "Security: Signature verification against PBOs" http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/165709-rolling-changelog-stable-branch-032114557/ Seems to me that PBOs are checked now and violators will be kicked at the very least.
  2. nomadyow

    Experimental Patch Stuffed = Throw up

    I think the answer at the moment, is simply to eat and drink when you think you're safe. If you eat/drink until stuffed, you will need to pause for the minute or two it takes for the stuffed status to go away. Ultimately, I'd like the the hydrated/energized colors become gas tank type meters. In reality people can realize in rough degrees how hungry/thirsty they are. This way you can fill up to being close to full. We have to change our behavior as the alpha progresses. I know I'm currently used to running up to the well/pump and spamming "Drink" until I'm stuffed. Why not after all. I do it as quickly as possible because there is no consequences to deter me, and if I don't there is a possibility that I'll be attacked. Time to be more cautious about it. I like it.
  3. nomadyow

    What Items are rare?

    Scopes and the ris hand guard for the M4
  4. nomadyow

    Loot Farm Servers

    Yup. I've seen these as well. I know rocket is going to deal with server hopping, ghosting and combat logging, but I really hope the dev team figures this out too. Once they get loot respawning, I'm hoping there would be zero benefit to frequent server restarts. Also, it would be cool if high value loot only spawns into servers with lots of players. I.e. The player count is a multiplier of some kind. This would keep people from having password protected servers that they use as their own private loot farm.
  5. nomadyow

    Long range scope bug?

    based on my testing - I've been methodically testing Mosins, the Mosins have durability just like scopes and bipods. The game is bugged and doesn't show gun condition though. The worse condition the gun is in the worse the accuracy, though in general it seems to pull more to the left the worse it is.
  6. nomadyow

    What is the Next Big Patch?

    According to Hicks' tweet - the next patch will be to close the PBO exploit.
  7. Honestly it sounds more like a hacker than an admin.
  8. nomadyow

    Ruined equipment

    I agree. And a shot to the chest should not ruin the backpack (though maybe this varies with the calibre of the weapon - or how many bullets you hit him with). In any case, I don't think it should run everything. Presumably this hasn't been tuned yet, and when it does it can be tuned down so that some things get hit by bullets and others are unaffected.
  9. nomadyow

    Do pistols have ammo yet?

    the .357 will be in the next patch (that patch is currently on the experimental branch). The mags for the .45 are mostly found on the roof of the tower above the firestation.
  10. nomadyow

    patch road map

  11. nomadyow

    Combat loggers now get replaced with bots!

    I hope all this makes it into the 1.7.5. Very impressive how much the modders can do!
  12. Mostly I play DayZ with a surround sound headset and it sounds pretty good. I recently setup in my home theater with a 7.1 surround sound setup, and a few things kept drawing me out of the immersion factor. 1) The ocean always comes out the left and right channels equally when near the ocean. It should either come out directionally, or play in all channels 2) Rain. Same as the ocean, it should play in all channels A little more focus on the sound part of dayz would be awesome! BTW, thunder sounds great in the home theater. Hearing it off in the distance is great!