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Everything posted by splant316

  1. What was the issue? Just curious
  2. I have been having problems with destroyed vehicles respawning at the location they were destroyed and sometimes becoming non repairable.
  3. Props to the devs of this app. I find it a mainstay in server admin!
  4. Has this worked for anyone? First time I tried and it spawned people in Debug constantly. Now
  5. From what I read server admins will be able to enable or disable grass around heli crash sites. Has anyone figured out how to do this or which command line we need to edit to do this? Thx Sean
  6. I have been having vehicles respawn after being destroyed, but a lot of times they respawn completely fixed with no fuel.
  7. Thanks Ill give this a try and see how it goes. Loving the filters and the new updates :) excellent work
  8. 14.06.2013 11:07:47: - #52 "[this] spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestruction" 14.06.2013 11:07:47: - #200 "[this] spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestruction" Got this message and a kick when someone crashed a heli. Is this still to be expected when people crash air vehicles? (taken from the remoteexec log)
  9. I unfortunately jumped the gun and loaded the private update and experienced poor performance and other little bugs, reinstalled this morning with the official hive update and its been running like a charm. Now if only I could figure out how to get BEC to work :) this is what I get for being an amateur admin. :D
  10. Are there any log parsers (spelling?) out there that are kept up to date? This thread has been a life saver. Thx!
  11. I can help if you need it PM me
  12. Do you still need assistance? PM me
  13. Let me know if you still need help. PM me
  14. I can help ya. I added you on steam but it appears you are offline. Let me know
  15. splant316


    I won't be on until later tonight. I can email you or pm you my vent server if you'd like
  16. splant316

    I need a medic!

    You available now for a quick fix?I dont have a lot of time but if youre available let me know what server
  17. splant316

    I need a medic!

    Where are you and what do you need?
  18. splant316


    Id be willing to help with medic work as well. I got a large collection of medical supplies. Also if anyone wants to loot some hospitals to collect more supplies let me know.