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Everything posted by splant316

  1. splant316

    Hive error: Unknown internal error

    It appears that most of the support for the 'official hive' is gone.
  2. I have noticed these lines in my setvariable.log Is it of any concern? Caught my eye since it is infrequent compared to a lot of the other log data. It also appears that it occurs to the same players . Value Restriction #360 "messing" = [43.8481,123.666] 11:5 Survivor2_DZ Value Restriction #360 "zombiekills" = 123 30:5 Survivor3_DZ Value Restriction #360 "headshots" = 123 38:5 Survivor3_DZ
  3. splant316

    US 1994 Cheater Report List

    I find that following your thread helps me to decipher my logs faster. Keep up the good work!
  4. Since the recent update my server has only been daylight regardless of restarts or changing the time zone the server is in. Anyone else have this problem and/or know of a solution? Thx
  5. splant316

    Server Day/Night cycle

    You sir are a lifesaver thank you so much!!!
  6. This seems to occur after restarts of the server and it does not allow players to join, but leaves them stuck at the loading screen. wondering if anyone has any other problems with this and if there is a potential fix.
  7. splant316

    Hive error: Unknown internal error

    that plane has been constantly stuck in debug for me as well, however I do not have other problems with vehicles. I do however have an occasional problem with vehicles not 'showing up' on the server, meaning that they are in a specific location per the hive log but are invisible to players which is usually corrected on a restart. Thank you again Razor for your efforts.
  8. splant316

    Hive error: Unknown internal error

    Glad to hear that after how many weeks of this problem we finally receive some communication and fix regarding this problem. I was about to let got of my server before all of this. Thanks to all the admins who attempted to troubleshoot the problem and thanks to those who finally got it taken care of.
  9. splant316 cloning glitch.

    n00b question here...what can we expect to see and in which log do we look for this log? Thnks for your dedication.
  10. splant316

    Hive error: Unknown internal error

    The IP for my server is
  11. splant316

    Hive error: Unknown internal error

    No I have no idea. I asked, but was not able to get any type of information from them at all. Glad they made it work tho
  12. splant316

    Hive error: Unknown internal error

    Damn, Im sorry dude. I have such limited knowledge in regards to server hosting (even though I have learned a fair amount from this forum thread) I dont have any good suggestions as to what they did. Kinda sucks for us admins who are paying every month. I have seriously considered saving myself $35 a month and getting rid of the server, but I have a small but loyal set of regulars I feel somewhat obligated to.
  13. splant316

    Hive error: Unknown internal error

    Yah my server seems to be fine. Restarts fine (unlike before) players have had no issues. Edit:I clicked the link :) lulz
  14. splant316

    Hive error: Unknown internal error

    I had communicated with someone from HFB (the host of the server I rent) and they did something to fix the problem. They would not tell me what was done to correct the issue but said it was 'fixed'
  15. +1 to jimmy he has solved almost all of my server problems in the past!
  16. Thanks for the advice. I am going to give this a try and cross my fingers. Now I just have to restart my server 100 times to get it to work
  17. splant316

    Hive error: Unknown internal error

    +1 to this. I cant seem to keep my server up for 24 hours :(
  18. Any more information on how to correct this problem? I still have vehicles spawning in debug.
  19. splant316

    Hive error: Unknown internal error

    Would this be what may be causing my restarts to work sometimes and then sometimes not allow players to connect? Seems that it has been occurring as long as this post has been going on.
  20. Seems to be updated. Edit:Reloaded new scripts file and seems to functioning.
  21. Seems to be after I updated the scripts filter, setvariableval filter and the two publicvariable(val) filters
  22. Yah I am getting the same problem as well...
  23. splant316 cloning glitch.

    Thank you!! Ill let you know when I break my server :)
  24. splant316 cloning glitch.

    I am having a hard time finding this file. Any chance I can get some help?? I found like 25 clones the other day :(