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Everything posted by deadmoose

  1. deadmoose

    Did zeroing get us killed?

    we are talking 10mm at the most for m4 so unless you were aiming for the top 10mm of their head it was nothing to do with the zeroing. it makes little difference at close range, but is significant at longer distances.
  2. deadmoose

    Weapon cleaning damages the weapon.

    you clearly named you topic, so why do the (use search function) retards even enter the post and clutter the forums with their spam?
  3. deadmoose

    Prefered magazine for M4A1?

    also if you load and remove ammo from the 30/30 mags it stores them in 60 blocks to save space.
  4. deadmoose

    Found some Hacker. Got his name.

    so you recon anyone playing in third person is a cheat?
  5. deadmoose

    Batteries and some electronics thoughts.

    what u need is one of these for your charging needs.
  6. deadmoose

    Hallo admin, is nice gear you having

    we have a multiplay server, and i can tell to that the config files on the server are read only, at this time all i can do is set the player numbers and decide if i want the server veteran or regular and that is it. I suppose the only advantage i have is that i know the server is on a 2 hour restart cycle and i know what time it will happen, so i can be somewhere in-time for that. might be classed as a cheat by some but that's all server owners have for putting up £55 a month
  7. deadmoose

    [Spawn Bug] I have clones BEWARE

    ohh don't tell me the dayz community has trolls^^^
  8. also remember a bandit will take even more joy killing someone with a big beard knowing how much it just pis*ed you off
  9. Is there any way to find out character stats in the alpha, like the old debug monitor. i know its an alpha and there are more important stuff at the moment i am just simply asking in case i have missed it somewhere.
  10. deadmoose

    Anyone has a full copy of this Chernarus map?

    so what is he asking?
  11. deadmoose

    [Spawn Bug] I have clones BEWARE

    had this once but never did not know how to replicate it, i only had one of me which could not be killed or looted
  12. deadmoose

    Anyone has a full copy of this Chernarus map?

    not the same as this but dayzdb.com has one Google earth type
  13. deadmoose

    The Alpha NEEDS a SUICIDE option!

    the game APB solved this with a console command "/unstuck" there was a 20 second count down where you could not move but could be shot to stop it being used for combat abuse, it would also have to spawn you in the same area to stop it being abuse by people trying to get back to their friends or dead body to quick.
  14. deadmoose

    any way to get character stats?

    thanks thought this might be