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About Overdriven

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  1. Overdriven

    Can vehicles just disappear for days?

    Yeah I'm one of his mates and it's a pain. It's possible this second time they have been taken by some people but the first time they reappeared in the same spot after 4 days of not being there and this same time has happened on the exact same day 1 week later. This is on UK 14 btw in case any server admins from there are floating around.
  2. Overdriven

    UK 14 and UK 5

    Out of curiosity on UK 14 did vehicles reset or something? We picked up 3 vehicles last night and they were gone following the server restarting.
  3. Overdriven

    UK 14 and UK 5

    Cheers they are back :)
  4. Overdriven

    UK 14 and UK 5

    Two of my regular servers, yesterday they were being dodgy with getting stuck on waiting for character to create and now they are gone. Where are you? :(
  5. Overdriven

    IF this was an actual game...

    Game purchase only definitely. That would maximise the player base as a lot of people won't play regularly enough to warrant monthly fees. Studio developed would be nice but input from the community is always great as well. Perhaps some decent modding capabilities.
  6. For me this is similar to the gamma settings changes which let people see at night. If full night time was enforced with gamma settings not working any more then there is no reason for this not to be. It should definitely be enforced to play in 1st person. It's just another way of using game settings to an advantage but that breaks the immersion of the mod.
  7. Overdriven


    Hell I've not been banned and that's because I've done nothing wrong. I don't know anyone who has been banned. So I'd say the majority are guilty.
  8. Happened to two of us whilst walking through Cherno in the middle of the night at the same time. We were maybe 2m apart and both just dropped dead with first broken bones and then insta-loss of blood at exact same time. No shots or explosions or anything. Just a random bug I think.
  9. Overdriven

    EU26 Rockets

    Yeah that was the guy we were debating. It was giving a server message saying he was the one killing at the time.
  10. Overdriven

    EU26 Rockets

    At about 1am GMT+1 on EU26 5-6 of us died all in the space of 10 mins to what seemed like rockets coming from nowhere. We were all unconnected, as in I was inland near windy mountain northern deer tower, another had just spawned on the coast and the others were in other areas. Someone was obviously hacking, unfortunately I don't know who but I thought it should be reported as we could all hear several bangs going off from a distance whilst people died before a rocket came out of nowhere and hit me insta-killing me.
  11. Unless your country has a country wide blackout, you will still have a lot of light pollution. Look it up, it should be known, because it sucks. Been camping in the middle of the lake district up on a mountain in the middle of nowhere? There is no light pollution, yet I can still crawl out in the middle of the night, navigate round a river and rocks and find a decent place to take a piss without even a struggle. Even in the damn rain on a cloudy night. DayZ night is unnaturally dark. Turn gamma and brightness to around 1.3 and that is far more realistic. Still fing dark and only basic shapes but far better than what we have now. Though even that only really allows you to see horizon objects better. You should be able to see at least some of the ground immediately infront of you.
  12. Overdriven

    HOTFIX Rollng Update

    Yup my mates still spawning a new character bleeding and low blood.
  13. Overdriven

    Can't spawn: hourglass bug

    I've had something similar. However, for me it was because I killed someone and whilst I was morphing into bandit skin my mate shot me and it seemed to screw it up somehow. I then collapsed and died. However, when I respawned back in I had the hourglass with not being able to use chat ect. I let it run down (5mins maybe) and then suddenly I got up and I wasn't a bandit anymore, I was back to me. However, the funny thing was the bandit skin had glitched through the hangar floor and was stuck in the swimming animation with only the arms and head showing through. This meant though that over the next 2-3 times I logged back in I woke up unconcious. I had to wait for the slow arse hourglass before it let me get up. Fortunately I left it in safe locations :)
  14. Overdriven

    HOTFIX Rolling Update

    I spawned back in after playing all day today after I installed the patch just now. I've now lost all the progress I made this morning/afternoon and have spawned back where I was last night when I logged off, including all the equipment. Means I've lost matches, compass, lots of ammo ect. Normal or not? This isn't a rage as I know it's alpha just warning of the issue. Also happened to a mate.