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About Scribb

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    On the Coast
  1. So far on the topic of random events i've seen ideas for airdrops and roaming zombie hordes. Could there be more good ideas out there? What about using the military AI of arma 2 and having squads of soldiers enter Chernarus with objectives such as: Shoot bandits on sight? Set up drop-zones for the airdrops, there are plenty of small well-fortified buildings in the editor that could be spawned in by the squad, as long as the soldiers survive then drops will regularly fall at random intervals and survivors can help themselves. This may give players incentive to actually defend the drop-zone. Maybe the end location for the zombie horde could be a squad end location, if the squad survives the horde then they set up a drop-zone, if the zombies win then there will be military loot for the players that defeat the horde Securing and patrolling helicopter crash sites and airfields, effectively increasing the loot available as they will be carrying high quality equipment. Pursue certain high profile bandits (not sure if even possible but would be nice to even the playing field a bit) Just a few possibilities. got any better ones?