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Posts posted by zappyspocket

  1. Hi, so some guy in a ghillie suit was running trhough a field which i noticed, i shot him with my old CZ550 rifle ,once he was dead i looted him and found this gun. I have never seen this weapon before so im wondering if this is hacked? Can i get banned for having it if it is hacked? Should i keep it!?

    You can get banned from local servers if the admin dosent allow it but you cant get a global Ban, i found one on another player, i played with it for 1 hour then i thought "Hmm, this weapon is Somewhat overpowered, maybe i should stop using it."

    so i did and i never looked back!

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  2. You guys take this mod way too seriously.

    Well if you dedicate yourself to a game (mod in this case) you can be as serious as you want, just because you don´t approve it dosen´t mean that someone else does and someone that enjoys the mod should be allowed to express their feelings about the game without people saying "ughh it´s Just a game man, relax" for some people games mean everything, i know it does for me atleast and when you find one you really like, you don´t want it to "Go down the wrong path" if you know what i mean ;)

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