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Everything posted by zappyspocket

  1. zappyspocket

    This game. THIS FUCKING GAME.

    these are the posts that makes the game fun (at least from a roleplaying perspective.) :)
  2. zappyspocket

    What is the longest you have survived?

    I also play in a group but it´s just me and one other, we have survived quite a while now but it´s getting boring and we sometimes just roll into a city with "Bad" gear and weapons like Ak-74´s and stuff and just go to town, usually ends up with us getting killed but we had fun and then we can start over again (even tough we have tents and vehicles filled with weapons and ammo and other useful supplies.) :)
  3. zappyspocket

    Hackers can control us?

    He´s trolling you!
  4. zappyspocket

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    what about offline modes? like if you want to play LAN or something? :)
  5. zappyspocket

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Right...im watching you!
  6. zappyspocket

    Selling a M24+M9SD for some good gun

    Tell me what you want except for the AS 50 and M107 because i dont have those :)
  7. zappyspocket

    Selling a M24+M9SD for some good gun

    i can give you an FN FAL with scope for the M24 :)
  8. zappyspocket

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Ohh no you did´nt!
  9. zappyspocket

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    There isn´t a competition between Dayz and warz, saying that it´s a competition is implying that Warz has a chance against Dayz, wich it doesn't have :)
  10. zappyspocket

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    They are updating it with the new engine so it will have the new graphics as the Arma 3 engine will provide :)
  11. We had setup a "Base" in the middle of a forest, now all of our stuff are gone and the server did´nt restart or anything becase we were online when it happened and we were the only ones on the server. the server is DE 1975 so if any admin sees this please contact. :)
  12. zappyspocket

    My GPS for your tent & ghillie suit?

    Just because it´s rare does´nt mean that people want it :)
  13. zappyspocket

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    This is awesome! can´t wait actually, i´ve felt this way before when i was waiting for BF3 and D3 but in the end i got dissapointed because they were "Dumbed" down just because they wanted to milk everyone on money, but with this mod being released as a stand alone and in the same release way that minecraft was released i am 100% sure that i will be just as awesome as the mod atleast, since it´s not a big "Game company" that is only after our money and not our experience with the game and that these guys also listen to their community is going to be all the difference in this release, my point in this is that Dayz is going to be bigger then BF3 and MW3 together with a more active and mature player base. :)
  14. zappyspocket

    2 man team looking for a new home.

    I am interested and my mate is as well, Bandits or heroes?
  15. zappyspocket

    Friendly guy in Cherno!

    Everyone who is not on Teamspeak with me, gets shot.
  16. zappyspocket

    Flipped atv Save querie

    Run into the ATV with a high velocity and it will be fixed.
  17. zappyspocket

    Friendly guy in Cherno!

    Probably a Bomb in the ghillie suit ;)
  18. Why are you searching for people under the age of 18? would´nt it be better with more experienced gamers? :)
  19. zappyspocket

    Engine parts?

    how would you give it to him on his server? Vehicles save seperatly on each server ^_^
  20. zappyspocket

    Missing vehicles and tents.

    thanks ;D
  21. zappyspocket

    Engine parts?

    They only have that on some servers
  22. zappyspocket

    Missing vehicles and tents.

    how do i find this? it´s not my server ^^
  23. zappyspocket

    Missing vehicles and tents.

    how do i find this? it´s not my server ^^
  24. zappyspocket

    Missing vehicles and tents.

    Seemed appropriate for this game/forum ;)