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Everything posted by zappyspocket

  1. zappyspocket

    possibility of seeing WHO killed you

    Yeah some servers have this, far from many but i´ve been on atleast one :)
  2. As the title suggests, what is the longest you survived in Dayz and how did you do it? :)
  3. zappyspocket

    The second coming has arrived!...........

    My guess it is some sort of save bug or maybe you alt+f4´ed?! :D
  4. What kind of music do you people listen to while playing? personally i like to put on some classics like Ride of the Valkyrie while driving my car (haven´t found a chopper yet :( ) But in general i listen to metal and such, has this game affected the music you listen to in anyway? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDPiUwwJTMU
  5. zappyspocket

    Music to set you in the mood!

  6. zappyspocket

    Music to set you in the mood!

    Valhalla rising must be the most weird movie i have ever watched xD
  7. zappyspocket

    Not all bandits are bad

    They work like underground terrorist networks!
  8. zappyspocket

    Music to set you in the mood!

    Join a empty server and just go nuts man ;)
  9. zappyspocket

    Music to set you in the mood!

    Take my beans!
  10. zappyspocket

    Music to set you in the mood!

    I posted two ;)
  11. zappyspocket

    Music to set you in the mood!

    Love the "The link" and "The way of all flesh" Albums!
  12. zappyspocket

    New Player, Really Suck, Need Help

    Hi, you should post in the "new player forum" :) but i recommend watching RHINOCRUNCH on youtube, he is awesome and i have learnt alot from him :)
  13. zappyspocket

    Found a As50 tws.

    You can get banned from local servers if the admin dosent allow it but you cant get a global Ban, i found one on another player, i played with it for 1 hour then i thought "Hmm, this weapon is Somewhat overpowered, maybe i should stop using it." so i did and i never looked back!
  14. Don´t play takiztan if it´s to much hussle, i heard it sucked (but i don´t know) and Stand alone version will be out before we know it! :D
  15. zappyspocket

    Buying a server?

    im not sure about this but i guess you get to chose what you want on the server, Map way points, Vehicles, weapon spawns and such :)
  16. Takiztan isn´t a official map for Dayz, google it! :D
  17. zappyspocket

    Not all bandits are bad

    He wasen´t nice, he brain washed you into killing other survivors for his own vendetta.
  18. players should´nt gain any benefit at all, they get enough benefit from playing the way they want to already :)
  19. how about a m16 203 with HE grenades and smoke?! :D
  20. zappyspocket

    [Trade] I am looking for an M136 launcher

    Do they even spawn legit in the game?:o
  21. camp stary sobor military tents and just hop between servers and eventually you find one ;)
  22. zappyspocket

    What is the longest you have survived?

    "brace yourself, Stand alone version is comming." :D
  23. zappyspocket

    What is the longest you have survived?

    A man gotta do what a man gotta do! ;)
  24. zappyspocket

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    Well if you dedicate yourself to a game (mod in this case) you can be as serious as you want, just because you don´t approve it dosen´t mean that someone else does and someone that enjoys the mod should be allowed to express their feelings about the game without people saying "ughh it´s Just a game man, relax" for some people games mean everything, i know it does for me atleast and when you find one you really like, you don´t want it to "Go down the wrong path" if you know what i mean ;)