Thought I'd try a little less stressful DayZ experience the other day. Connected to a "No PvP" (US 1542) server ... didn't take long for someone to shoot me. I play DayZ 95% of the time on PvP servers, but for a REALLY nasty experience try playing on one of these "No PvP" servers. I'm assuming these guys are pimply-faced teenagers with no way to get their kicks from a social life because they don't have one. Perhaps, they just can't compete on a level playing field. They might even be guys that want to be hackers, but don't have the brains to figure out how to do it ... which would put them at least one level below being a hacker. How are these guys reported to the server administrator? How do you even contact a server administrator? How do you even know who shot you? The problem seems insurmountable. All in all, if you're new to DayZ - my advice is to stick to the "regular" PvP servers ... at least you know what you're dealing with. If you run across a server that claims to be No PvP - know that someone with a child-like smile on his pimply face will be shooting at you. For all you guys out there that have popped me fairly and squarely on the PvP servers ... nice work! It's great fun playing with you and I hope to return the favor soon. My best to all the True Dayz players!