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About jaywils91

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  1. jaywils91

    Magic Tricks

    HaHa, at the end, "i dont feel safe not knowing where he is.,..." "im not here"
  2. jaywils91

    Performance optimization

    How is 20fps? I mean does it stagger? Does the PSU need the be that big?!!
  3. jaywils91

    Performance optimization

    When i get a new GPU, my old one is yours. Wont be until i get back from sea though (i'm a marine engineer).
  4. jaywils91

    Performance optimization

    Yeh, its all stock atm. I got the PC and a monitor(ulta slim AOC, LED, 50mil:1 DCR), turtle beach headset and the peripherals for £700. So not a bad buy imo, which isn't worth much.
  5. jaywils91

    Performance optimization

    1440x900 or 100% as the game calls it. I've noticed this doesn't make much of a difference to my fps though.
  6. jaywils91

    Performance optimization

    I do have everything on low, but this brings in another annoyance. I definitely do not get 60fps at all. How would you check this? Maybe I actually have a a problem with my pc....
  7. jaywils91

    Performance optimization

    Hello people, I am sitting here looking at overclockers, and acan and contemplating buying a bew graphics card, and to be honest, it's mostly because of my DayZ experience. My current specs are 16GB ram i7 3770k GT640 (i know this is rubbish - looking at 770's or 680ti) Windows 8 350w PS (i intend to get a 600/650). But back to my question, and why I am here. How much optimization can actually be done to this game, the way i look at it, my current spec can run BF4 pretty well and the game looks good as well, I get a good frame rate even when the buildings are falling down around me and a kazillion grenades are going off. I'd also like to point out I am not complaining, just interested. So for all you geniuses, please fill me with knowledge :) Many thanks.
  8. jaywils91

    [Recruiting] Starting a small DayZ Group

    im game, pm me the TS info? my names jamie, im 21 from UK.
  9. jaywils91

    The Mujahideen: Now Recruiting!

    Application Form Name: Arés is my game name, Jamie is my real name. Age:21 Religious affiliation: who ever is winning What role you would best be assigned to in the clan: Rifle How long you've played DayZ: few weeks How long you have been a bandit: from the day i cut my own umbillicale cord Skill level in PvP combat: some people call me rambo Can you use a sniper rifle effectively in DayZ: not really. Are you a good driver: yes Your preferred weapon: any rifle. If I sneeze, what do you say? i sneeze to. then i bless us both. Barakallah my friends, I look forward to seeing you soon.
  10. jaywils91

    Bandit Forum

    I want to kill people :)
  11. leave a post here and we can play some DayZ, im new to them game and fancy getting involved with a few people. Teamspeak or ventrilo please :) see ya soon!