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Everything posted by Quanit

  1. I was playing as normal in F34R. Suddently a hacker spawn us all in a lake in the middle of the map. I press F4 and disconnect. A friend of mine was killed by the hacker with some other players. The server was down for a while, and I decided to check my conditions in another server. I fixed my broken leg and I moved in a hill near the lake where the hacker spawned us. When the [F34R] restarted i joined in. I spawned in the hill near the lake, i standed up and i saw a player running away from the lake. I thought that he was a player that was spawned in the laker by the hacker as me, and i did nothing. (I had a m14 and bandit skin) Suddently i was kicked from the [F34R] and when i retryed to rejoin, I was Banned. I will ask why they ban me. Maybe the admin of [F34R], [F34R]-Geist and [F34R]-Haaghuhn thought that i was the hacker, i don't know. Hope in a prontly answer :) PS sorry my bad english
  2. My friends that rejoined some minutes later, can normally playing there. A friend of mine also tryed to ask at the admin in the server the motivation of that ban, but without answer :( I really like that server, and i don't find legit this ban. Btw thanks for the link
  3. Note, writing with the forum account of a friend since my email won't recieve a damned validation :/, so my Nick in game is "Martigan" After a couple of days on that server, we decided to move to one where a couple of friends were, so was moving the camp to that server: got kicked a couple of times, but it wouldn't tell why, then I get banned with the message "007 (the admin) doesn't miss a thing" :| I mean, ok that jumping in and out of a server is a bit suspicious, but isn't that a bit over reacting? besides, "doesn't miss" what? me taking stuff AWAY from the server and not adding any? it got me puzzled :S *NOTE* the server is US 2348 from HFB hosted by 007, put the wrong title :/