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Everything posted by irl-calibre

  1. irl-calibre

    Hero or Bandit? Choose... Wisely...

    as a compassionate anarchist, I find your bandit logo offensive!!
  2. irl-calibre

    Anyone playing with R9 290?

    should just disable clouds completely, ain't no one flying yet and they cause a stutter as their bugged..
  3. irl-calibre

    DayZ not Worth a Buy

    250 hours in game and I say he's talking out his hoop..
  4. irl-calibre


    Qrille i'm pretty sure I found the mosin compensator in a garage..
  5. irl-calibre

    Add blood type to inventry

    you can give other people your blood, you don't necessarily have to be given it. I've had several different blood types as well, at first I thought it was just o+ all the time but its not. The character I've just started on the new hard core hive is B+ on normal it's O+. Don't see why anyone would object to it as you have used a test kit to find out your type this is just to help you remember..
  6. irl-calibre

    Night Time is Unplayable

    nice sunset tonight.. they come at night... mostly..
  7. irl-calibre

    Multiple characters on different Hardcore servers

    well I've spawned in 3 different 1p servers that I play on and my character was in the same location each time, so it must be one hive for all the servers.l must say i'm kinda disappointed thought. I thought I was going to have to face eating nothing rotten food if I was lucky or find it hard to find a pristine single bullet, but, everything seems to be in as much abundance as the normal hive dunno what's "hardcore" about it at all other than camera position..
  8. irl-calibre

    Different characters for Hardcore/Regular servers??

    does the one hive cover all the 1p servers though or is it a separate hive for each individual server?
  9. irl-calibre

    Night server - Cant see anything

    bloomin' hell i'm pretty sure zombies see as well in the dark as the middle of the day..
  10. irl-calibre

    How fast does night change?

    has the moon risen yet?
  11. irl-calibre

    Vehicles: For or against them?

    man are you kidding me? can't wait for vehicles.. really looking forward to seeing scramblers again!
  12. irl-calibre


    well it attached onto mine, I ain't tried to fire it yet though..
  13. irl-calibre


    thats all my exciting new finds for tonight!
  14. irl-calibre


  15. irl-calibre

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    found this little beauty, though haven't used it yet as I was surprised to find both my guns are pristine!
  16. irl-calibre

    Character roll-back after new patch?

    just click on it and change it
  17. irl-calibre

    Character roll-back after new patch?

    yeah! reunited with a character who had been alive for nearly two weeks but I thought i'd lost in a wipe! happy dayZ!
  18. Oh em effin' gee.. A RABBIT!! in the middle of the road.. look... a rabbit!! can you believe it? a rabbit!!
  19. irl-calibre


    fresh start for everyone maybe? might be good for the soul..
  20. irl-calibre

    Where are all the NIGHT servers?

    thankfully in the next patch you will be able to see server time in the browser, i'm pretty sure all UK 5- servers are dark now gmt time..
  21. irl-calibre

    The 'Loot Trap'

    it's amazing the amount of people who have to investigate a turned on gas lamp, know what i'm sayin'?
  22. irl-calibre

    Is this OK for young teens?

    that's an emphatic NO! it's not. imo of course.
  23. irl-calibre

    Should this be called fun?

    best to survive PVP then innit? specially if you're playing with a group way up north. Going back to the coast is the punishment of death, believe it or not there are people who stay alive for weeks in this game, they are playing it right..
  24. irl-calibre

    Pictures of a new zombie!

    yeah, if we could have some that wern't taken on a potato, that would be great..
  25. eh? it's not dark in DayZ when the moon is in the sky either! wtf are you smoking? this is a comparable moon to the one in the game as in it's from around July time, the interesting thing about the photo is the lights you see are the only lights in an aera with zero light polution as it's a tiny little island..