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Everything posted by irl-calibre

  1. irl-calibre

    Servers Putting TS Info In Welcome Messages

    yeah cause everyone random on a ts server is going to believe everything they are told and not think it a trap - do not underestimate the power of paranoia !!
  2. irl-calibre

    Dying of Starvation please help?

    you are bound to find food in electro..
  3. irl-calibre

    Remove the breathing fog

    probably why they would send them to the Siberian Gulags innit..
  4. irl-calibre

    How do you dress?

    Yeah, that son of a bitch is fo' sure, a very very badman indeed.. I do as equally a good job in the plaid though, so the cosmic balance is maintained!
  5. irl-calibre

    New Patch Memory Leak: Possible fix/workaround

    can't drop anything because the .exe has stopped responding before I can actually open the inventory in game after logging in.
  6. irl-calibre

    How do you dress?

    night Day
  7. irl-calibre

    How to type talk in Dayz

    direct chat messages (typed / spoken) go about as far as the grass draws (100m) - radio messages go 1k.
  8. irl-calibre

    How to type talk in Dayz

    unless you're using a radio then you need to switch channels..
  9. irl-calibre

    FPS Drops after 30 seconds then Game Freezes

    Oh really? I guess i'll just leave it until patch then.. edit : no I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary tbh, I can use up to 1.8gb usually..
  10. irl-calibre

    FPS Drops after 30 seconds then Game Freezes

    I'm locked up and the dayz.exe has stopped responding before I can even open my inventory, but then I have 5 protestor cases and a med box with 2 painted weapons. I might have more success with my 3p character has they don't have painted guns, but the exe stops responding after about 30's, probably cause that character has the same amount of protector cases I think..
  11. irl-calibre

    A few questions for the "KoS playstyle" people out there....

    I lived in the NEAF for about 2 weeks over the holidays so i'd say for at least 60h in game, I role played a soldier left to patrol the base until his unit returned, I tried to kos every fecker that I saw on the NEAF the whole time.. (my main purpose was killing hoppers) don't like the way I roleplayed it? tough shit my story..
  12. irl-calibre

    What is, or will be, the point of this game?

    its not a game, its a story. go and find out how yours ends.
  13. irl-calibre

    How did I die?

    ok i'm taking a guess here, but if it's like arma, the game literally drops everything onto the map, because of this items can move like tents and vehicles - more of which later I guess. this I think can lead to death in buildings and steep inclinations (you were dropped into the game world and fell through the floor to your death) - in other words learn from your experience, get used to the unexpected death and never log out other than a ground floor / level piece of ground and you should be golden..
  14. this is the funniest DayZ video i've seen yet, don't see it in the forum here so I thought I would post it *warning* I advise that no liquids be drank during viewing has they are likely to be spat all over monitors *goes to get cloth*
  15. irl-calibre

    A new idea to stop the "kill-on-sight" mentality

    you know one of the earliest examples of a handshake known to man is a statue of two soldiers? Whats interesting about it? they are using their empty "sword" hands.. If only there was some kind of lesson could be drawn from that, but, alas as there are no swords in the game I guess it's of no use.
  16. irl-calibre

    I killed a survivor

    did anyone run up and beat you to death with their bare hands, take your weapon off you and kill you with it.. no? WHERE ARE ALL THE HEROES!! *oh! the humanity* swoons.. p.s - the game offered you the choice not to kill him, n'est pas mon ami? you could of just robbed him..
  17. irl-calibre

    Darkest darkness

    love playing at night, don't crank my settings, couldn't care less about people cranking their own , same way people glitching in hangars or jails doesn't stop me going to airfields, or that someone else playing on a potato with all low settings can see much more than I with all high.. why you ask? because I don't give two fucks I enjoy my own experience of the game and accept that i'm going to die - even though I've never been killed in sa at night once yet..
  18. irl-calibre

    What do you think about TRUST ind DayZ ?

    well in my experience of "trust" I've met loads of random people in this game, that I play with regularly now & who aren't so random., tbh the community that plays military sims are cut from a different cloth to FPSers in my experience, i've been truly amazed & stunned at some of the coordination I've experienced. You have to remember there are people who have been playing this game for years now really..
  19. 126 026 np 9 always check there..
  20. you wanna come in to the neaf from olsha and down the hill. never raid it west to east ever- it's not called sniper hill for no reason! from the sounds of the engagement that's where the shooter was. As frosti says though it's a glitcher paradise round the hangars and in the jails.
  21. irl-calibre

    Broken Legs Grishino

    keep checking in the 2 café/bars back bedroom? usually spawns med stuff, might find some morphine..
  22. irl-calibre

    Regarding tents and player hostility

    no many stand with you!
  23. irl-calibre

    Do we want a reward for surviving?

    I'm sorry but what evidence do you have of that? the word of useless players that die a million deaths? there are hundreds, maybe even thousands of Dayz videos now on youtube of fully kitted out players not KOS'ing..
  24. irl-calibre

    Regarding tents and player hostility

    love driving over tents and flattening them! good bye gear *sniff sniff* or better yet, filling them with trash..
  25. irl-calibre

    How to fix FPS drop issue caused today 2/7/2014

    what ever is wrong is not fixable by that tweak guide. my HC character who has painted guns? pretty much the DayZ.exe stops responding as soon as the inventory loads, I was using High settings, tried again with all normal settings and clouds disabled and it took maybe 10 seconds to stop responding the second time - I had to endure a 280sec timer to check the normal settings so I loaded my normal character who has no painted guns at all, ran around for about 30 seconds after the inventory loaded and pretty much just turned into a slide show and then the exe stopped responding..